Chapter 4

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OKAY GUYS IM BACK AND WILL BE UPDATING ONCE OR POSSIBLY MORE A WEEK. Now that school is over I have a lot more free time so I might post another chapter Sunday. I imagine Rose as Karen Gillan from Doctor Who (the link was too long to add as a pic- same for Scorpius' pic). If you like this, tell me! Recommend it to your friends if you want. Okay nice talk enjoy the story.


I had arrived. My mouth gaped open as my eyes soared across the ceiling. It wasn't a ceiling at all, it was a night sky. The candles were spread out high up in the air, making everything seem infinitely more magical and beautiful. My mother once told me that the sky was just an illusion, a charm to enhance the hall, but I forgot all of that as I entered.

I had finally arrived at the Great Hall.

Students beside me whispered and gawked, the muggle-borns evident. I smiled and reminded myself that no matter what happens, I will enjoy my stay at Hogwarts. At least, so my parents keep telling me.

Ten minutes later, we were ushered into seats and shushed by our future teachers. The students not in their first year were watching us with grins on their face, no doubt reminiscing on the time when they were in our position.

The sorting started and names I didn't recognize were said and sorted until I heard:

"Scorpius Malfoy!"

I whirled around to see Scorp standing up beside me. He was noticeably more pale (is that even possible?) and his eyebrows were creased. I gave him an encouraging smile and he glanced at me and gave a short nod. He stiffly walked up into the front and the Sorting hat was placed on him. After 10 seconds...

"RAVENCLAW!" the Sorting Hat booms with complete certainty. Scorp took a deep, shuddering breath and walked over to the Ravenclaw table who applauded him. On the other side of the room, Slytherin was giving him the death stare. I wondered why that was.

What was Scorpio's last name again? In the moment, I barely paid any attention to it, but now I tried to recall it. If you're going to attempt to be someone's friend, you ought to know their full name.

Then why doesn't he know yours?

I shook off that thought, telling myself I'd deal with it later.

Scorpio... Malley? Malten? Mal...


Oh, no.


Ravenclaw. I'm in Ravenclaw. Am I dreaming? No, no, none of my dreams are this realistic, and when I dream I always know whether or not it's a dream or a nightmare. Right now, I don't know.

In a way, it's a blessing that I am sorted into Ravenclaw because it'll let people know that I'm different than my father, my grandfather. To be honest, I had known I didn't have what it took to be in Slytherin- I was smart, but never cunning; I had an imagination, but it was one that didn't include a lot of power. I never wanted to be in charge. This house is where I belonged.

I recalled the words of the Sorting Hat:

Ah, Malfoy... Well, naturally it would seem obvious to place you there, but you don't seem the type. Ah... You, have a future.... a future in... RAVENCLAW!

At least I knew that my parents wouldn't be upset. If anything, they'll be relieved. It will help erase the family name, me being in Ravenclaw.

Someone behind me slapped my back. "Welcome to the Ravenclaw house, kid. What's your name?"

I turned around and saw a gangly dark-skinned boy that looked a year or two younger than me. He had a lopsided grin and his hands were stuffed in his pockets. His hair was short with tight curls. His dimples made him look devilish and somehow more approachable.

Racking my brain, I didn't know how to answer that question. I wanted a nickname, but Scorpio was frankly just a rip-off of Scorpius. How about that bad-but-not-as-bad-as-the-other-options one?

"Call me Scorp."

He smiled and an explosion of epically white teeth bombarded my eyesight. "I'm Robby, nice to meet you. Hope we can be friends. Gotta run though. My sis is being sorted next." As he ruffled my hair and ran off I realized that that was one of very few encounters I have ever had with someone around my age. I seriously needed to up my social status.

Up next, they called "Martha Thomas" and a girl that looked like a shorter version of Robby with longer, but as curly, hair and just as profound dimples walked up. She was quickly sorted into Ravenclaw, which caused a loud applause from my table and a lot of yelling from whom I assume was Robby.

Now, there were only a couple people left to sort. I realized that one of them was Rose. At first, I hoped she would be sorted into Ravenclaw until I remembered that she must of heard my name when I was sorted. It hurt me to think that I would have to end another friendship before it started, but it had happened so many times before that I was used to it.

"Rose Weasley."

She walked past me and purposely avoided my gaze. She marched over to the sorting hat in a huff and a puff and let the teacher put it on.


The Sorting Hat picked and prodded through my thoughts and memories like a nosy guest. Of course, I couldn't feel the invasion of privacy but I had read a fascinating editorial about it and how a small group had started a....

Ah... You come from a long line of Gryffindors... But you are so smart, so full of knowledge. You have the potential to be a smart, possibly the smartest, witch in...


I gasped and automatically thought of what my parents and my brother, Hugo, will think when they find out. But no, they told me it's okay no matter what house I get sorted in. I looked at the Gryffindor table and I saw all of my cousins: James, Molly, Dominique, Roxanne, Victoire, Fred, Lucy... smiling and waving at me, encouraging me to be the first Weasley to be a Ravenclaw.

Even though all of them had forgotten to save a seat for me on the train, I still loved them and appreciated their support.

I sat down at the Ravenclaw table, far away from Scorp (at least that was what the guy next to me was calling him) and watched my cousin, Albus Severus Potter, get sorted. I assumed he would be a Gryffindor because, like mine, his parents (Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley) were some of the most famous Gryffindors to live. But I knew him to be fond of camping and exploring. He said he wanted to become a famous scientist and learn about muggle science so it could be used in the wizarding world. So, after a minute of contemplation, the Sorting Hat made its decision.


I locked eyes with him and gave Albus a big smile and a thumbs up. He was basically my twin, and I knew how nervous he was that he would be placed in Slytherin. Uncle Harry had told him that he was named after Severus Snape, one of the bravest men he knew, who was a Slytherin. I was happy for him- I just hoped he was too.

I looked at Scorp. If these type of boundaries were being crossed, maybe others can too. I'm going to be friends with this guy, no matter our family history. Scorp locked eyes at me and I gave him a grin. He grinned back.

The Power of a NameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora