Chapter 6

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Hey, look who stayed true to her word!! If you could tell a friend about this story, that would be great. Hope you enjoy! x (PS DO YOU GUYS LIKE THE COVER ART FOR THE STORY I MADE IT AND I REALLY LIKE IT)


The first week flew by at my time in Hogwarts and I got in a set routine of things. My two best friends were Alex and Rose. Rose always helped me with my homework, not that I needed help, but more that she finished hers very quickly and efficiently while I was reading a book or daydreaming. We had nearly identical classes except our Herbology and Astronomy classes were switched.

We were debating on the subject of captivity of dragons in the common room when a tall and intimidating sixth year with long blonde hair stood up and silenced the small amount of hushed tones around the room.

She stood on a table in front of Rowena Ravenclaw's statue. The girl cleared her throat. "As most of you know, I am Johanna Hobday, the Ravenclaw Quidditch team captain. Tryouts will be held in two days at 5 sharp. Don't be late. Because of our loss of so many seventh years from last year, first years may try out- but only if you know you're good. If you suck, don't bother coming. This is going to be a great year, I know it. We'll bring home the cup and show Gryffindor who's the boss!!" She shook her fist in the air and jumped off the table so nimbly that you couldn't doubt she was captain of the Quidditch team. The common room erupted in cheers.

I looked at Rose. "Are gonna try out?" I yelled at her.

She shrugged. "Maybe, I'm not too sure yet."

"I think I will. I'm finished with my Potions analysis, do you want to see if we can go practice before tryouts?"


We asked Johanna where the shed for the broomsticks was and she gave us a key. "If you break anything, I'll say you stole this key from me," she warned with a wink.

We raced down the steps and to the shed, which was by Hagrid's hut. Rose wanted to stop by so she knocked. After a series of crashes and bangs, Hagrid opened the door to Rose's cheery face. He smiled.

"Why hello, Rose. Good to see ya. Thought you'd a forgott'n 'bout me!" He laughed. "And who's your friend there? Ah...." He looked at my face and all of his cheeriness was wiped off of his face. "Malfoy...."

The look of pure hatred sent my stomach into somersaults. All of a sudden, he had a broom and was hitting me with it. "GET OUTTA MY HOME! GET! HOW DARE YA... NO MALFOY SCUM COME INTO MY HOME NO MORE. GET OUT AND DON'TCHA COME BACK!"

I heard Rose crying and begging to Hagrid, trying to explain that I wasn't like my father, like my grandfather, but he wouldn't hear any of it. I should have known something like this would've happened. It's been so good lately that I'd thought that maybe things would be okay. Of course this was self denial, because I heard the teachers sometimes whispering to each other and stop abruptly when I walked past. I've seen some of the stares from other houses, but they wouldn't dare confront me, being the bad wizard I am.

I thought all of this in a haze as I ran to the broom shed.

"Scorp! Scorp!" Rose was running towards me, yelling my name frantically. She saw me and stopped abruptly. "Scorp, I am so so sorry... I had no idea he would act like that... he's so nice, really, but I don't know what got into him-"

"It's okay." I heard myself saying. "I was stupid.. naive. I should have known that would be his reaction when he really got a good look at me. I guess I thought things would be okay, but my family has done some unforgivable things that no one will get over. But, whatever, let's practice for Quidditch." I gave her a small smile to let her know that I wasn't a complete emotional wreck, and we went on our merry way to solemnly play some Quidditch.


Tryouts were in five minutes and I was full of stress and anxiety. I know I can play, because I always beat Uncle Harry and my dad in Quidditch (they say they're going easy, but Aunt Ginny knows the truth). Plus, over the summer, Aunt Ginny gave me some pointers because she's a professional.

I know I can beat some of these arrogant guys two years older than me, but I can't help remembering that if I mess up it'll be doubly embarrassing because I'm a first year and, traditionally, I'm not even supposed to try out. I take a deep breath to relax.

A creak of the wooden stands announce Scorp's presence and he sends a reassuring grin my way. He's trying out for chaser and I'm going for Keeper. Ravenclaw hasn't had a female Keeper on their team in 40 years, so I really want to break that record.

I had talked to my cousins James and Fred at lunch to ask what tryouts are like. Fred will be on the Gryffindor team for his second year (he's a third year and he's a chaser on the team) and James had tried out as the only seeker and got it by default; I don't know how thrilled their Quidditch Captain was about that, from memories I have of James always falling off his broom unexpectedly in midair.

Fred had said that it was easy and I'd be able to get through it easily while James nodded vigorously. Maybe they were too optimistic. First years rarely get on the team.

On the other hand, I hope Scorp gets on the team. He's fairly good and can ride his broom faster than me, but he can be a bit shaky at some points.

I take another deep breath. I've always had small anxiety problems, especially when it comes to non-academic activities when I have less confidence in myself.

At least I don't have it as bad as Scorp. Maybe he doesn't have anxiety, but he's been more attentive to whispers when he walks down the hall. He use to be unaware of them but since that episode with Hagrid, he's cared more. I feel so bad about it. People whisper around me too, but more in awe than in the disgust Scorp gets. He doesn't deserve any of it, but no one wants to go so far as meet the person they are speculating and spreading rumors about.

I wish I could say something to him to make it better, but I know I can't and that kills me. What a good friend I am... If I denounce the 'gossip girls' (or guys, no need to play gender roles) it would make him embarrassed, he's said so himself. He doesn't want to hide behind me.

Gosh, when did things get so complicated?


Here we go.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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