Chapter 1~ turning the page

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Thousands of cubicles, you find yourself in one of these cubicles lifelessly typing on your computer in your dead end job, the city wasn't a very nice place. well that's an understatement, living in the city was hell, it was an emotionless pond of struggle.

you find yourself reminiscing on the life before you decided to "live a better life in the city", you would stay at your grandpa's cottage during the weekends and the afterwards you would go back to your parents in hillstreet. hillstreet wasn't the worst place to live, it was much better than the city, your neighbors were nice especially Emily.

she was your childhood best friend you did everything together, you were so close that sometimes your grandfather would take her to pelican town aswell sadly you haven't heard from her since you were 10, her parents had found a cheaper place to live, her sister Haley was thrilled hoping it was the city. you had never really liked Haley she was always rude to you as a child and would laugh at you for the simplest things, you've never understood why. it's not like you would ever see them again so what's the point in wondering anyway.

you zone back into one of your coworkers being called to HR, that's unfortunate, you didn't mind Ashley, not that you ever got the chance to speak to them but they weren't any trouble at least. they were most likely about to get fired anyway.

you daze back into your thoughts you think back to the memories with your grandfather, the nights on the beach picking up shells and putting them in a box beside your bed as soon as you got to your parents house, the countless fish that you would watch your grandpa catch although he would never let you fish he always said you would get pulled by the fish into the sea, that always managed to get you to stop asking for a few weeks.

you missed him the only thing you have left of him is the letter he gave you a few years before he died, he said to only open it in a time of desperate need. you were always tempted to open it but somehow joja hadn't quite pushed you to your breaking point yet but at this time you weren't sure.

you were so tired of the city, the stupid joja hierarchy to exploit it's workers, always feeling alone. moving to the city was the worst mistake of your life, you never understood why it appealed to haley so much, it was just busy shops with hopeless amounts of people and the smell of pollution.

you were so fed up but you still didn't know if you were fed up enough maybe it could get worse and you would need it then? but you really don't know what could be in the letter it could be anything. you decide that it probably could get worse but you don't wanna be there to see it, you finally decide to quit your job. you didn't have anywhere to go after you figured if you couldn't find anywhere you would hopefully be able to move back in with your parents. you left mid-shift you notice your boss chasing you to the door and yelling 'ILL HAVE YOU FIRED FOR THIS'
good that's what you wanted. you were finally out of that hell hole they call joja corporate.

you dash to your apartment as fast as possible, putting all your belongings in a box before taking a second to think this through. what had you just done, you'd ruined your life as much as you hated joja, it was your only income. you didn't want to burden your parents as you find a way to get back on your feet. you felt desperate and impulsively grabbed the letter from your grandfather and opened it , it reads

'Dear y/n,

If you're reading this, you must be in dire need of change.

The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered in life... real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.

I've enclosed the deed to that place... my pride and joy: starfall farm. It's located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It's the perfect place to start your new life.

This was my most precious gift of all, and now it's yours, I know you'll honor the family name, my dear. Good luck.

Love, Grandpa

P.S. If Louis is still alive say hi to the old guy for me, will ya?


you teared up at this, you had missed your grandfather dearly, ever since he'd passed you hadn't felt right. it was always like something was missing but at least you had a place to stay, you decided you would head there in the morning.

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