Chapter 1 | Her

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Aritzia Huxley

From a caterpillar, to a cocoon, and into a butterfly.

Three stages.

Denial, resistance, acceptance.

The night that my life took a turn down a road I never imagined to see. And on that night, I lost the one person I couldn't live without. Followed by the person I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with.

October 12th.

A day I never. ever. want to repeat.

I toss and turn in bed, trying to find the longer side of my blanket. The sun peeked through my curtains, brightening up my entire room as birds chirped in the distance. Hardly a minute later, my alarm clock goes off, displaying "6:30 A.M" in red. Next to it, a picture of my mom and I underneath an angel oak tree. Big smiles on our faces with zero worry of what the future had in store for us.

It was just us against the world. My best friend.

Taking a deep breath, I remove my body from underneath the warmth of my blankets, stretching. Today is the day Caldean and I are sent off to boarding school in Switzerland called Keanston Academy.

Caldean got offered a scholarship to play basketball there and my dad suggested I tag along so we can keep each other company. I don't see my dad very often since he's running our family business, alone.

Huxley Law. Established in 2006.

The year Caldean and I were born.

My parents were married for 24 years, this year going to be their 25th. It was always their dream to open up a law firm since they met at law school and have been in-love since. When my parents got the news that my mom was pregnant, they decided that they should start their business to help with the financial state of having a kid, which turned up to be plural.


As years went by, the business became well-known and is now one of the biggest law firms in California. I'm so proud of how successful my parents grew to be and I can't imagine the pain my dad endures everyday without his partner in crime.

A pain that I wish didn't come so soon, but nothing lasts forever. Even if I wish it did.

Walking down the wooden staircase, I make sure not to miss a step, considering how I'm half asleep. I hear the sound of the coffee maker brewing, signifying that Caldean is awake as well. We both have to get an early start today because our flight leaves at 9:30 A.M.

The flight from California to Switzerland is roughly 11 hours, which I'm not as amused about. 11 hours stuck in a plane, trying to keep yourself entertained as you're 40,000 feet in the air. Not to mention the overpriced food that they have to offer, that I won't be purchasing from. Instead, I'll keep my sweet tooth satisfied with a bag of crispy M&M's that Caldean introduced me to. Which I'm delighted he did.

I'm looking forward to actually getting moved into the dorm and meeting my roommate, though. Hopefully they're nice and we keep each other company for most of the school year. I was never really the type to rely heavily on someone after the incident with my mom.

She was always the first person I'd go to for almost everything, unless it's for boy advice. I'd often go to my brother or dad for those things. She was always caught up in the latest California High drama. She knew all the details about the boys I've had previous crushes on, although I only ever had 2.

His Labyrinth EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang