Chapter 5 | Medicine

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Aritzia Huxley

Her heart stopped beating.

Nurses rushed around her hospital bed trying everything they could to bring her back to life. My body felt like jello, instantly dropping to the floor when I see her lifeless body laying on the bed. I watch outside the hospital room as they shock her body in attempt to get her heart to beat once more.

The doctor shuts the door and he sends me a sincere glance. The strong facade I've built up is finally breaking down as I hug my knees, back faced to the wall, in a quiet hallway.

The only thing killing the quietness though, are my sobs.

My throat feels like it's closing in on me as I try to silence my cries. The sleeve of my sweater gets drenched in my tears. No words could describe the emotions I'm feeling right now. So many things could have been done to avoid this situation, but all I can do is blame myself for this.

I was the reason she was out of the house in the first place.

I was the reason she was driving 10 miles from home to make sure I was safe.

I was the reason she laid lifeless on the hospital bed. this. very. moment.

I am the reason for her death.

I just lost my best friend. My partner in crime. The person I'd go to for everything.

My mom.

Arms wrapped around my body, picking me up from the ground and pulling me into a hug. I cry into their shoulder, trying not to lose their embrace. My body felt unstable and my eyesight began to blur. Everything started getting dark, like the world just shut off on me.

My name was being called in the distance.


The figure I was hugging disappeared into thin air. Like it was never there.


The hospital floors turned black and everything around me started to fade. I look down at myself and notice my lower body start to disappear.

What's going on?


Where am I?


What's happening?


My body shook and suddenly everything was back to normal.

But I wasn't in a hospital or anywhere close to a hospital. Instead, I was in an unfamiliar bedroom, laying on the bed. The figure who was shaking my body, though, is more than familiar.

"Are you okay? Oh my God, I was freaking out." Nathan stresses, running his hand down his face.

"What...happened?" I asked out, trying to stabilize my breathing. I woke up sweaty with tears flowing down my face. I was breathing at an insane pace as if I just did a triathlon.

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