No Time For The Pokédex

397 16 23

Ghost Mode Code
➤ *Makes you hover, increases speed x2, and walks through walls*
E2000400 00000018 6837AE06 D1012F03 60372709 D0022B02 085F0056 1C164770 02000418 47701C1F 52000400 6837AE06 12060C20 00000200 02065988 FD3AF79A 62101D40 00000000 B2101D40 00000000 10023986 00000F0F D2000000 00000000

You soar through the trees that surrounded the lake, transparently phasing through. On the other side you breeze through the bark into the pain grassy field with patches of tall grass descending to approach something that seemed to have been bury.

       Y/N Received TM38 Fire Blast!

*Y/N put the TM38 in the TMs & HMs*

Y/N: "Wow it's still here, this dimension is truly strange, it's connected to my first time here, I remember tossing fire blast due to my inventory being full. Action I thought I told you, you were the only thing I wanted to bring with me?"

Action Replay: "Precisely the only thing in your inventory was me, everything else from Kouki's possessions and PC were deleted from the file corruption. There was no need to delete anything from the inventory during the investigation of cause.

Y/N: "Possession? So things I toss or threw away made the cut? Wow I should have been a bit more precise."

Action Replay: "I can perform another reset if necessary?"

Y/N: "It's fine no need. Besides this is a interesting good thing."

Action Replay: "By the way, an glitch within my system has occur, I will proceed the activation protection protocol, commencing a system reset, it should take 24 hours to reboot."

Y/N: "Please wait till I leave the lake. And thank you very much! Just as imagine, not much change from the activation of the Action Replay. The consequences of abusing the Action Reply is the destruction and corruption of this "current" dimension. Addition to the lack of knowledge between the commands that cause the soft-lock, alternating events with the Action Replay in theory could be extremely dangerous. But in contrast, manipulating events with simple ordinary decisions appears to be beneficial. What's more... Cyrus the leader of notorious Team Galactic, here at Lake Verity? It seems the events as things currently already altered for reasons left unknown."

Sandgem Town
*Dawn's POV*

Dawn: "I'm sorry... I didn't hear that correctly?"

Dawn's father: "Me and the professor believe it'll be beneficial to look out for the newcomer trainers." The scientists waver gesture his hand, pressing his glasses with the other.

Dawn: "Beneficial?" Dawn mock his gesture with her questionable one. "I don't mean to come off as complaining. But how is me tutoring the boys, instead spending time fulfilling the Pokédex helpful in Professor Rowan's research? Wait you don't mean?" Dawn leap cartoonishly, switching her flustered worrying to the professor.

Professor Rowan: "Precisely. I'm lending them Pokédex." Rowan confirms nodding while showing no emotion what's so ever.

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