Chapter 26

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A/N Hey y'all thank you so much for the love you have been showing the gang. Savvy and the twins hold a special place in my heart and I love that y'all enjoy their adventures. I just wanted to give another heads up. This chapter like the past two is kind of a sad one. It touches some triggering topics. Just wanting to warn you. Thanks for reading! Remember you are loved and deserve the world.
XOXO- Savage

Aaron's POV
     "She's cutting again." Ann said causing Max to tense up. Cutting? Again? I watched Max walk over to her grabbing her face into his hands and looking into her eyes. My heart dropped as I felt like walls were closing in on me. Surly Savannah wasn't cutting, oh God please don't let it be true.
     "Andrea are you sure?" He spoke softly as if he was scarred of something.
     She nodded as I saw the tears trickle down her face. "Positive she's acting like she does when she shuts down and when she shuts down......." She paused as she used the back of her hand to wipe the tears away.
     "She cuts." Max finished shaking his head.
     "What the hell is going on?" Ash finally spoke. I could hear the fear and worry laced in his voice.
     "Savannah used to self harm herself by cutting when we met her. She has a lot of demons that plague her mind that is how she gets rid of them. She says it helps her not feel, it takes the pain away. It makes her numb." Max looked up at me with tears in his eyes. Holy shit this is real Max isn't a crier, holy shit my baby was hurting herself. My poor baby girl was in a dark place all alone. I swear this room is getting smaller by the second. "She promised she would never do it again and she would come to us if she needed help which she usually does."
     "What changed?" I managed to say past the huge lump in my throat.
     "I don't know but we need to find out and stop it now before it gets worse." Max hugged Ann and looked at us.
     "Let's make sure you are right. You say she hasn't done it in years and will come to you both if the urges arise so maybe that's still true. Maybe she's just tired, she's been having nightmares all night for the past couple of nights." Ash said trying to convince himself more than anyone else. I mean we both have noticed Savannah had been acting different but we never would have imagined this.
     "Ann go get her and bring her up to her room. We need to check but I don't want to do it in front of everyone." Max said and Ann nodded going into the kitchen as Max lead us up to Savannah's room.
     It wasn't long before we heard the girls making their way down the hall.
     "I just felt like we needed best friend time you seem really down and I know you said you have been having nightmares again." Ann's voice sounded perkier than before. I guess she had to put on an act so Savannah would come.
     The girls came thought the door and I couldn't hold back and jumped off the bed rushing to Savannah grabbing the sleeves of her hoodies pushing one up at a time. I flipped her arms over examining the untouched skin. Every muscle in my body relaxed and I sighed in relief. "Thank God." I looked at Savannah who looked horrified so horrified that it made my gut churn.
     She tried to pull away from me and I held on tight pulling her into a hug. Until Max spoke making my heart drop to the ground. "That's not were she does it." What? Where else would she do it at? "Pull down her pants." He said making Savannah tense up.
     I pulled out of the huge and put my hands on her waist band causing her hands to instantly grab mine as she shock her head I saw the tear form. My heart was beating as if I was a bird, so fast I don't think a doctor would be able to get my heartbeat. She basically told us right there without saying a word. I dropped to my knees holding her waist band as I opened my mouth to say something Ash dropped down on the other side of me. "Baby girl let Daddy and Papa see how bad it is. Your not in trouble we just need to see." His voice was soft but I could hear the fear and sadness in it. She finally let go of my hands and I pulled her pants down. Sure enough right there on her right thigh was four cuts each one going all the way across and about the same depth. They were not deep enough that they needed stitches but they still looked bad. I felt the hot tears roll down my face as I stared at the red skin around the cuts. I can't believe we didn't notice. How could we not notice? She was in so much pain she thought that this was the answer. But what had happened? What happened to make her feel the need to do this? I pulled her down and into my arms cradling her tight to my chest. Before I new it I felt Ash on the other side of her wrapping his arms around both of us squeezing for dear life as we all three cried.
     After a few minutes of staying like that Max tapped my shoulder. "We need to talk. Leave her in here with Ann we will just step right outside." Ash and I nodded letting go and walking into the hall shutting the door behind us.
     "We need to figure out what caused this and fast." Max had a crazy amount of expressions on his face; sadness, concern and I felt like I could spot bits of anger.
     "Could it be the nightmares?" I managed to crock out.
     "No I don't think so. Something else had to trigger this. What all has happened this week." Max shock his head looking at both of us.
     "Nothing really she was having fun hanging out with the subs but I could tell she missed the littles. However she seemed fine until Friday after her punishment is when she started acting funny." Ash said looking back and forward between Max and me.
     "Nah can't be that I mean she gets in trouble all the time. I used to be so scared to spank her because of what's she's been though but she always told me spanking her was different from what they did. As long as you give her aftercare and forgive her she is fine. The aftercare shows her you still love her and she is fine. I mean she doesn't like getting punished but she knows sometimes it has to be done." He rambled on and I froze in place thinking about Friday.
     Fuck! How could we forget. We forgot the most important thing. We were so upset we sent her off to bed without even one hug. Damnit we triggered her, we were the reason our sweet baby was hurting herself. I looked over at Ash to see the gears turning in his head too. He looked up at me and with out saying a word be bursted into the room running to our baby girl to fix everything.

Savannah's POV
     When the Aaron pulled my sleeves up my heart started to beat so hard I was pretty sure it would come out of my chest. There was only one reason he would exam my arms that much and I knew that with Max and Ann in here it was only a matter of time. Max knew where I did it and so did Ann, from the way they were looking at me I could tell they knew. As Aaron examined my arms and saw the untouched skin I saw his body relax with relief. That was until Max spoke up telling him that I never did it there. It was true, I spent my entire life hiding the bruises and marks. So when I started to hurt myself I hide that too. Arms were harder to hide you had to wear long sleeves all the time where as with my thighs if done high enough I could still wear shorts and dresses.
     When Aaron's hands went to my waist band I put my over his shaking my head no. I couldn't let them see. What would they say? What would they do? They would probably get mad and throw me out. I wouldn't have to wait to leave when we got to school the twins would just shove me out.
     Ash got on the ground next to Aaron and looked up at me with sadness in his eyes. "Baby girl let Daddy and Papa see how bad it is. Your not in trouble we just need to see."
     I guess I just needed to let them, they were going to keep asking and at this point they already knew. I sighed and let go of Aaron's hands letting him pull my pants down. Both of their eyes instantly landed on the four cuts across my thighs. They sat there staring for what seemed forever. As if they couldn't believe what they were seeing. They both had tears in their eyes and what looked like a mixing bowl of emotions. They looked sad, scarred, worried and concerned. The first one to move was Aaron who pulled me into his lap hugging me tight as I felt his body shake ever so slightly as he cried. Seconds later Ash was on the other side of me wrapping his arms around both of us. Maybe they wouldn't kick me out, maybe they do love me. I thought until the voice in the back of my head that I always thought sounded like my mothers came forward. No they are sad that your so pathetic. They hate you and don't want to deal with someone so fucked up like you.
     After a while Max pulled them into the hall and left Ann and myself in my room.
     "Sav?" I looked up to see Ann staring at me as if I would break. "What's going on? You have been though so much and over come so much why start this again?"
     I shrug "They were right."
     "Who was right? About what?"
     "My Mom and her husband. I am a waste of space and no one will love me."
     Ann stared at me which her jaw opened. She looked at me like I grew five heads. "Savannah we all love you." She said grabbing my shoulders. "The twins, Max, Ben, Josh, Lily, Huey, Linda, Ted and I love you Savannah. I have never seen the twins this happy ever you complete them. Those boys would be lost without you, I have seen their face when they thought they did lose you. So snap out of it, whatever happened to trigger these thoughts you need to talk to us about. Because this is not okay and you promised me Savannah you promised me this wouldn't happen again!"
     We sat there in silence with me not knowing how to respond and tears falling down both our eyes. I don't know how long we stood there before I managed to choke out an "I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted the pain to go away." Before Ann could say anything Aaron and Ash busted through the door running to me. Ash grabbed me picking me up causing me to wrap my legs around his waist as he held my head down on his shoulder his other hand on my butt.
      "Baby girl we are so sorry." He sobbed out as his body shock.
     Aaron stood behind Ash kissing my forehead and pushing the hair out of my face. "Princess we didn't realize we forgot the aftercare. We are so sorry baby, we love you with all our heart and that will never change. Oh Princess you have been thinking we haven't loved you for two days. Is this why you won't slip too?" He was crying too as he wiped my tears away. I nodded and he sighed hugging me and Ash.
     "Baby girl we might get upset with you and be disappointed in your actions but we will never and I mean never stop loving you. Do you understand?" Ash rubbed my back keeping a death grip on me as if I would disappear at any second. I shock my head no and felt them both tense.
     "We will have to show you then. We promise to never forget aftercare again. One of us will always remember but we are making new rules. From now on big or small we are checking your legs randomly." They both hugged tighter.
     "We love you Savannah!" They said in unison as the both held me tight.
     Maybe just maybe people could love me and I wasn't worthless. I buried my face into Ash's neck inhaling his scent finding comfort. Repeating in my head over and over. 'I am loved.'

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