everyday life gets worse so fuck it

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The rallies felt like they went on for hours. Everyone on the court was tired out of their mind. They wanted nothing more for the ball to drop, preferably on the other side.

He promised the win to them. He promised. He never makes promises. M/n hates promises because they're so hard to keep but so easy to break.

The timer on his watch went off. His 10 minutes were over. He hated that word too, y'know? If I keep describing him, you might think he's a pessimist, maybe even a nihilist. But he's just a realist. With a dash of optimism when people really need him to be.

This was that time.

But he couldn't bring himself to stand, let alone be hopeful. It went so fast, that no one even noticed. Oikawa's hand had barely grazed the ball before it slammed into the other setter's chest.

Way to kick me when I'm down, huh?

The colliding ball dragged his body down to the floor where each of them lay still. Huh. It suddenly went quiet. That's unusual. Only a small, but annoying ringing sound pealed in his ears. In the brief moments his eyes flickered open he could see the crowd cheering and the opposing team cheering along with them.

But something was blocking his view. Multiple people actually. But it was all the same to him... All the faces moulding together like a pile of mush.


He could hear them, but his voice didn't feel like cooperating at that moment. There were more voices. Then a couple more on top of those. It's already too loud... I don't wanna stay awake.

Submitting to the comforting darkness, he stopped trying to speak and let his body follow the drowsiness.

☄. *. ⋆

While the Karasuno team cheered amongst themselves, the home team stood there in pure shock. Too much was happening at once, and they didn't know how to process any of it.

M/n's father was rushing to the hospital with his son; ambulances sounded in the parking lot and stretchers were pulled out. Oikawa grasped his shaky hand with a slightly more stable one. It wasn't enough. Nothing would be enough. He wouldn't be enough. Everyone knew it.

"Let's go." He locked onto Iwaizumi's voice, shifting his focus to his best friend. "We need to go, Oikawa."

He didn't want to look up. He knew as soon as he looked up tears would start to fall and there was no chance in hell Kageyama would get the satisfaction of-

"Oikawa-san?" Speak of the devil. Still, Toru didn't look up. "I, um, know this may not be the best time."

The younger setter winced at his own words. Kageyama looked around, his former teammates glaring daggers at him. He couldn't blame them.

"It's about m/n."

☄. *. ⋆

The words I don't think this day can get any worse rung through his head; on a daily basis actually. Contrary to the saying, as everyone knows, something is always worse.

It was funny because he didn't know if it was worse. In fact, he didn't even know what they were saying. This kid, who he hates more than life itself, was telling him that his new star player was actually a basketball player? A basketball player with... he didn't even know what kind of secrets.

"What does it matter?" Iwaizumi's gruff voice interrupted the silence between the two setters. The air felt like it was slowly choking the life out of them. Bit by bit. "We've all got shit to deal with. This is just his."

"His? Or hers?" The brunet setter looked back, taken aback by what he just said. He didn't understand the words coming out of his own mouth.

Even talking about m/n as if he wasn't who he'd shown was simply terrifying.

"I think," Kageyama paused, looking between the floor and his former teammates. "You might want to ask h- them yourself."

Iwaizumi wanted to speak up, to say something. Anything. He felt disgusted by himself for talking about m/n while he couldn't defend himself. So, instead of continuing the conversation, he left it where it was.

"Let's go visit him at the hospital, oikawa."

"Yeah." He nodded in agreement. "Let's go." The pair stood up, curtly bidding goodbye to karasuno and leaving as quick as they came.

𝙨𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 ; TORU OIKAWAWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt