Gil colson X heaser (angst)

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Heaser had know Gil colson basically her whole life (dw theyre both 16) heaser loved going to school with Gil colson everyday he never missed a day

One day heaser seen the mayor had been brutally murdered. Heaser's knees buckled at the thought of her favourite mayor being murdered on Halloween in his own home. Heaser knew she had to call Gil colson.

She ran nearest phone while still shaking. Gil colson answered his soft spoken voice rung through her ears she knew during these though times colson was always there for her.

"Did you see the news" heaser managed to spit out "yeah..." Colson said. "It's alright heaser I'll always be here for you Ill make sure this murder doesn't go near us"

Heaser felt a wave of comfort come over her. Colson was always there for heaser no matter what. "Colson I really miss you please stay safe" heaser stuttered out. "Don't worry heaser I will and when I come back we can have tangos together" heaser loved tangos a lot especially when her and colson had them together. Heaser wanted nothing more then colson to stay safe

Later that night colson arrived home and heaser gave him a huge hug heaser had always had a crush on colson since they met. Colson hugged heaser back. "Hey heaser in two days I'm going to the iceberg club" heaser hated the iceberg club it was always full of sketchy people"

((Real image of the iceberg club full of sketchy people))

((Real image of the iceberg club full of sketchy people))

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Heaser hated it but she wanted colson to be happy

Two days later

It's been two days since the mayor was murdered and the murderer of him has been revealed his name is the riddler and yesterday he murdered someone else and last night colson didn't return home

Last night what made it even worse is colson was last seen in the iceberg club

Today though I'm attending the mayor's funeral. Bruce Wayne and many other big millionaires will be there.

I hope maybe colson will be here he probably won't though

I arrived at the funeral and seen the penguin, Bruce Wayne, commissioner Gordon and many other big names.

I looked around and heard a huge crash and everyone instantly ran Bruce Wayne grabbed the mayor's child and moved him out of the way. It was a car covered in writing.

"GET OUT OF THE CAR" commissioner Gordon shouted. A shakey hand came out of the car. It was colson's hand.

Colson stumbled out of the car I wanted to go up and give him a hug by Bruce Wayne held me back. I never really liked the Waynes. He had a bomb strapped to his neck, a phone stuck to his hand ringing along with tape around his mouth that read "no more lies " along with a card on his chest that read "to the batman" and blood dripping out of his head everywhere

We were all told to evacuate the building and everyone did that but me I hid in the hall

I walked up to colson just to see a dark figure walk out of the shadows it was batman 🙄🙄🙄

I took the tape off his mouth "get out before the bomb blows up" batman said but I didn't I handed him the card and answers the phone

"Hello bat- wait your not batman oh no he's behind you" riddler said "well heaser and Gil colson I do have a riddle for you " riddler said

"What is a word you swore not to mention under any circumstances due to a certain section" the riddler explained. Colson stood up "wait can you repeat that?" Colson stuttered out "its a swear word say fuck or something and you'll keep your head " batman explained. "NO I CANT DO THAT' colson said. "Well Mr colson say goodbye to your head remember you still have a minute to respond" I hate the riddler. "Are you fucking stupid colson say something you'd rather die than swear" batman grabbed colson's shoulders. "THIRTY SECONDS MR COLSON" the riddler explained.

"JUST SAY SOMETHING COLSON" but he didn't. "I love you heaser" colson said "I love you too colson" I responded "5,4,3,2,...1 GOODBYE MR COLSON" me and batman both got blown back by the explosion. I had never felt move upset then right then and there id never see colson again I hope I never see the riddler again...
Ill make sure he pays

It's 12 o'clock at night 😐

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