Chapter 3.

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Charlotte's dress 💁 I think it looked pretty 😊 I hope you guys like it 😁


After school I met up with Faye to get ready at her house. I'm kind if worrying if I made the right choice by agreeing. I mean what if something happens? It's so nerve wrecking!

"Hey Char, does this outfit look cute?" asked Faye, who was checking herself out on the mirror. Her outfit consist of a black skater dress and black red bottoms. It was actually really cute. I'm not sure what I'm wearing yet. I just hope it isn't anything to revealing.

"It's really cute" I replied.

"Okay I just need my make up and hair. What are you gonna wear?"

"Not sure yet"

"Oooh can I choose?! Please!" She yelled excitedly.

"I guess, but only if it's not to revealing"

"YAYYY! Okay I promise I won't make you look like some cheap whore!"

I just nodded not wanting to hear her excited voice once again. Don't get me wrong, I love her but when she gets excited she screeches everything. So you can't really blame me for not wanting to hear her talk.

At the end she ended up choosing a similar dress like her's that was simple yet kind of classy. It was all black but the back was open. I wore it with some black pumps and golden earrings. For my makeup I only put on mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss with loose curls in my hair. I think I looked good enough.

"Okay let's go! It's already almost 8" yelled Faye.

To be honest I was kind of nervous. Don't get me wrong it's not my first party or anything but I still get nervous every time for no reason. And plus I don't even know who's party it's gonna be. So I decided to ask...

"Hey Faye?"


"Who's party are we going to?"

"Oh, hehe, about that...", She mumbled while keeping her eyes on the road, "it's kind of hard to explain without you feeling out so I'm just gonna say it and hope you won't kill me..."

"Now you're starting to scare me..."

"No! It's not that bad.. well for me haha um it's this one gang leader's party.."

"WHAT?? Wait... Is he hot at least?"

She gave me the most puzzled look when I ask. But I wouldn't blame her since it was obvious she wasn't expecting that.

" Do you seriously think I would go to some ugly guy's party? What type of person do you think I am?" She questions playfully.

"True, true" I say chuckling.

After that we stayed silent for the rest of the ride, which wasn't long considering it was only like a ten minute drive. When we got the we could already see the flashing lights through the windows and hear the music. It was so loud I thought my eardrums where going to explode. And we weren't even inside yet!

I have a bad feeling about tonight...

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