Chapter 4.

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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'll update more often now that we're in summer vacation :)


"Woooh!" yelled Faye while we go get more drinks from the makeshift bar.

We've been drinking all night long and I'm not regretting it one bit.

"That cutie patootie has been staring at you all night" Faye screams over the loud music while winking at me. She points out a guy standing in the corner surrounded by a bunch of his friends from what I can see. I awkwardly stare back at him while he starts walking towards me. Well I think it's me, you know how sometimes you see someone waving and you think it's to you but then you realize it's the person behind you? That's so embarrassing, so I just hope it's towards me. Without even realizing it he was already in front of me while I was daydreaming.

"Hey babe" he yells over the music. Holy shit his voice is so hot. It's all husky and deep, but not pedophile deep. More like really hot guy deep. Omg what am I thinking. Didn't he just say something? Oh yeah! He did. Awh shit I'm making a fool of myself.

"Uh h-hi" I stutter out. stupid. stupid. stupid. why did you stutter?!

"Wanna go have a drink?" he asked me over the music with a smirk.

"Yeah, why not?" I reply before he grabs my hand and drags me with him to the makeshift bar.

"So what's your name?" He asks while grabbing random bottles.

"Charlotte what about you?" I ask.

"The name's Gage" he says with a smirk and a wink.

He ask me what I want and I just tell him to surprise me.

"Here babe" he hands me a blue drink with a cute little umbrella. I can't help but Awh at how adorable it is.

"Thanks" I smile up at him.


After like seven more of those delicious drinks all self-control flew out the window.

"Come one babe, let's go somewhere else" Gage says while tugging at my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

Once we're successfully at the top without none of us tripping he tugs me into a dark room. I accidentally trip on a piece of clothing and end up falling down and taking Gage with me. Somehow he ends up under me and I can't help but giggle. Giggles soon turn to full on retarded-seal clapping and I can't stop.

Suddenly I'm under Gage and he's staring at me with amusement. He tugs a piece of hair behind my ear and I stop breathing. He leans in closer. My heart is beating so fast I wouldn't be surprised if half the world heard it. Once his lips brush against mine I don't hold back I kiss him with all my might.

One thing turned to another and what do you know I end up having drunken sex with Gage; a complete stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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