Chapter 6

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I changed into my dry clothes so did the others.

"Hey why don't we play a game?" one of the students in the other section suggested

"Sure why not?"

"I found this game on the internet and someone would have to spin you and you have walk a straight line and hit a target maybe a bottle cap or something"

"That sounds fun!" the others yelled

They set up the game since our space was clearly huge. I don't know how in the world we got budget for this

I think it was a racing track and they just placed a few tables with water bottles that has loosened caps

The first team started. They had to twirl them around at least 10 times before they start

I had to admit it was fun too watch people rolling down the floor before even getting started

One even lasted halfway but simply landed out of dizziness. No one really won

It was my turn and a few others. The one that would help me spin was no other than the girl from earlier. The one who unevenly greeted me and Kuroo

I think her name was Isa. I glanced at her direction. She has a big smile but it doesn't match her aura which was no good

They started twirling everyone but what I noticed with mine is she is roughly spinning me. I feel like I rotated 20 times than the average numbers of everyone who are competing

"Hey Isa! That's not fair!!" I could hear Yaku yelling in the back

I simply sighed and effortlessly walked in a straight line. The truth is I didn't feel dizzy at all. One landed in front of me I simply jumped over the body.

Now I was at the finish line. I only need one mission to do in order to finish it. I perfectly hit the bottle cap

"What that's impossible! Hit another one!" I turned to the side and hit my opponents bottle cap


"How many bottle caps do I have to hit in order to win?" I asked bored

"Where you raised as a monster?" one them yelled in the crowd

"Not really, I used to do ballet classes" I replied casually with an unbothered look. I turned my head on Emi. Who was clenching her fist in anger

"What? Really? Why do I not know that? You never told me that!" Kuroo yelled

"You never asked?" I awkwardly replied not knowing what respond

"I was so stupid" he started sulking on the corner


We started packing up. I cleaned the tables. I felt something was missing. My earphones are missing!!

I searched for my bag and tried finding it. I started panicking. I turned my head to Kai

"Have you seen my earphones?"

"Oh I think I saw one on a bench but I don't know if it's yours"

"Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver" I immediately walked towards the bench but I stopped my tracks. When I saw two people talking

I immediately hid under a plant. I recognized their voices so I didn't mean to eavesdrop at them.

"I like you"

"I'm sorry I don't like you"

"Is it because of her? Yukio isn't that pretty? I'm not even sure she would treat you better! I'm the one for you"

I could hear a few mumbling I couldn't really comprehend what they were saying. I quietly turned my head and saw them kissing but it was followed with a thud

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you" Kuroo apologized but Isa just left without a word

"Yuki?" I awkwardly turned my head to the owner of the voice. I stood up and dusted my pants

"I forgot my earphones" I stated then took it without making eye contact but he still grabbed my arm

"What did you heard?"

"You mean saw? She kissed you on the lips and you accidentally shove her down the ground which is kind of brutal"

"Did you heard what I said?"

"Not really, no I couldn't understand half of it but I think you rejected her" I casually said

I turned my head confused seeing him in deep thoughts.

"Is there something I must know?" I asked

"You seem exceptionally calm in this situation" he replied with a small chuckle

"I don't really care if you get a girlfriend or not it's none of my business" I spoke truthfully with my words but kuroo looked at me weirdly and laughed

"Hey we might get left out by the others"

Kuroo offered me to walk me home. It wasn't really dark yet. We had an awkward silence between us

"I'm sorry, for listening to your conversation. My earphones happened to be on the bench nearby" I apologized

"What no it's not your fault. I'm just thinking" he tried reasoning with a awkward smile

"Thinking of what?" I then felt a warm arm on my shoulder

"I will let you know soon I promise"

I just stared at him in confusion

"Do I have to wait? Is it to long?" I asked then turned to his direction. I stopped my tracks when I noticed that we were already at my apartment building

Kuroo gently took a strand of my hair and placed his lips on the tips of my hair. I immediately held my hair

His aura seems so different. I have never seen him like this before

Kuroo smiled as she holds her light blonde hair. A strand swept my forehead as he approached me and tugged it behind my ear

He look at my bright blue eyes widen at his actions. I  took a few steps backwards

"What is going on with you all of the sudden?" I asked stepping backwards

He smiled and lightly patted my head


He then left as he waved goodbye. I was just left there alone staring at his back

"What an idiot"

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