Part 22: Pol

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Where are you, Bruno? I check my phone to see if I had received any new messages from him. Nothing. The last one was from an hour ago. I texted him to let him know I was on my way to the airport. He just replied 'okay'.

"Maybe he is stuck in traffic," Manuel says, looking to Simone for reassurance. Simone shrugs. The plan yesterday was for us to meet up at the hotel and go together. But late last night, Bruno called me and said that he would just meet me at the airport instead.

"What time is your flight again, Pol?" Simone asks. I check my phone again.

"Two hours," I tell him. "I have to go now." I anxiously scan my surroundings, hoping to see Bruno amidst the hundreds of people zipping past us. Fiumicino Airport is packed today. It's good thing, Bruno already helped me with the online check-in.

"My mamma wishes you a safe trip," I hear Manuel say as I check my pockets again for my passport and wallet. I've done this three times already, and it's always the same. Everything is still in there.

"Tell her thank you very much," I absentmindedly say. I lick my dry lips and exhale. "I am going," I tell them.

"Are you sure?" Manuel asks.

"Yes, I am sure." Why am I even expecting him to come? He's not coming, Pol. If he's this late, he probably doesn't want to come.

"It is nice to meet you, Simone." I grip his hand and shake it.

"Nice to meet you too, Pol," he says with a grin. He's speechless for a moment. Maybe thinking of something else to say. But we technically don't know each other that much so he just resorts with, "Have a safe trip."

I turn to face Manuel. I offer him my hand to shake. "Pasta," I say.

He shakes my hand. "Churro." I quickly pull him in for a hug. He lets out an uncomfortable sound. I try to prolong it a little bit more, just to mess with him. But the awkwardness eventually gets to Manuel and he slowly pulls himself away. He adjusts his throat.

"Good luck to your job, Churro," he says, trying to avoid eye contact. "And erm—"

"Cazzo," I tell him.

He laughs. "Yes, cazzo." The other day, I asked Bruno about it. And now I know what it means. Manuel is such a fucking jerk. Simone has a confused expression on his face. Manuel notices and quickly explains it to him. They share a laugh together. Manuel leans closer to me. "Thank you for..." He sneaks a glance at Simone. "Thank you."

I delicately pat his shoulder. "Thank you too, my friend." I wouldn't have found Bruno without you. "Take care of...hmm..." What's English for 'each other'? Ugh. Whatever. I point them both. "Take care together," I tell them.

The intercom chimes in the background. I don't know what it's saying but it's probably announcing that I need to hurry the fuck up.

"So..." My voice cracks. I don't know. It might sound pathetic and sad but I'm really going to miss Manuel. Even though I've only known him for a couple of weeks, I feel like I've really bonded with him. I mean, he hates me. I know that. But it's the same way my brother hates me. We see through each other and that can be annoying sometimes.

I clench my jaw. Just go, Pol. Your future awaits you now.

"Adios...ciao, amigos," I tell them. I grab my bag from the ground. And with one last smile at them, I turn around and make my way to join the queue at the entrance.

Goodbye, Rome. I take a deep breath and grip the bag handle tighter. The line is moving surprisingly fast. I take out my phone to prepare my ticke—


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