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.•°:*Mess - Everything's mess, the room, the words, the actions, the life, and LOVE itself.
At a stage, he is still not ready to let go.

My head feels like it will burst out in pain. Everything seems to be broken around me, my life is nothing but a mess.

However, this pain is still a trifle compared to what my soul is undergoing. It's been a week and no tear is left now to slip down, yet this heart won't let her go from my life.

Propped down leaning against the wall of an unknown valley, I don't know where am I.

I tried a lot. I tried to bottle down her memories with alcohol, yet it doesn't seem to work for me.

Why couldn't you say you love me as well? I know, it's real. I can feel it.

Sighing out a tired breath, my hand searched around the floor for another bottle. It's addicting just like you were to me, just the difference is... now even the alcohol tastes sweeter than you.

As my hand got a sense of a bottle, I pulled it up to my mouth only to find the last drop of alcohol slipping down. Finding it empty I smirked to myself with a chuckle while staring at the glass bottle in my hand. Kissing the glass with my eyes closed, I held tightly to the upper part of it and smashed it against the hard concrete floor.

The lower part of the bottle burst into pieces, now scattered like dust on the ground. Sliding my thumb over the broken surface, I hitched with the pain of contentment.

Rubbing the blood against the edge of my lips I tilted my head with a grin.

Help me forget her.

Holding onto one end of the bottle I placed the tapered side against my upper wrist and slide it down releasing a gasp.

"HEYA!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" I flinched at the voice whose holder snatched away the bottle and threw it fiercely against the wall. It broke and shattered down into pieces.

The next second I met with a fist against my face. He hit me harshly without notice. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! GET YOURSELF TOGETHER ALREADY!!" His voice shimmered with tears rolling down his face.

"Beomgyu hyung, can't you hit me one more time?" I asked gazing into his glossy eyes when his hands gripped my collar tightly. "I think I have gone mad for real. H-hit me m-more. I- I am not okay" I shuttered breaking down into huge sobs again.

He hugged me tightly tapping my back. "Forget her Taehyun. She didn't deserve you from the start. Don't think about her anymore." He spoke.

How come I was supposed to forget her? Forget all our memories, the nights we spent together. She can't throw me out of her life like this, after all those times.

•°.*flashback *.°•

Third-person Pov

Weonhi ended the video call with a nod and shimmered a smile at her college friends who were all peeking at her phone.

Today after being together for the past six months, Taehyun has planned to finally ask her out. Though they had shared everything till now, from kiss to pleasurable twilight together, they weren't officially dating yet.

Weonhi didn't know about it and thought of it as nothing more than a casual date.

"Who was he? I have never seen him before at parties." A girl stated with a hissed smirk on her face. "Don't tell me that guy is your boyfriend or something like that." She rolled her eyes with arms crossed.

Good Boy Gone Bad || [Completed] || TXTWhere stories live. Discover now