chapter 19

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word count: 1366
knock knock knock

the door opens and i'm met with toges chest. was he always this tall? i literally just saw him a few minutes ago... guess i haven't noticed lately.

i look up at him and he tilts his head, noticing that i was just zoning out, saying nothing.

"oh- uh- can i come in?" i ask.

he opens the door wider and takes a step back to let me in. when he closes the door behind me, i turn my head to watch him.

i look over at his bed and there's a few boxes on it.

"what're those for?" i ask, walking up them.

"oh they're just some soundproof panels to put on my wall," he says quietly.

"that's smart," i tell him.

he nods, "yeah, gojo told me to get them..."

we stay silent for what feels like minutes.

"toge, are you mad at me?" i ask him again.

he shakes his head.

"you're lying. just talk to me."

he sighs and sits down on his bed, putting the boxes on the floor.

"y/n..." he says quietly.

i can feel my face heating up already. has he said my name before? i mean obviously he has- but... has it always sounded so nice when he says it?

"...i don't know why i'm acting like this." he shrugs.

i sit on the bed next to him.

"if this is about yuji... uh..."

he stays quiet and i look over at him, seeing him stare at the floor.

"toge, look at me."

but he doesn't lift his head.

i put my hands on each side of his face, my palms hitting the soft fabric of his collar. i turn his head to face me.

his eyes narrow to mine.

"i don't like yuji, if this is what it's about."

he continues to stay quiet.

"i'm serious! i don't know why you would think that..."

i watch his eyes fall back down, avoiding eye contact with me. "i don't know... it just seemed like it."

"but...even if i was with him- which i'm not! why would it matter?" i take my hands away from his face, resting them on my lap.

"i... hm. did you eat anything?"

"oh, don't try to change the subject!"

"well, did you?"

"no- but- hey! stop that!"

the two of us laugh a bit.

i let out a deep sigh, trying to contain myself.

"toge, how do you feel about me?"

he stays silent.

i facepalm. "oh jeez... sorry- i'm just gonna..." i stand up, my hands wiping down my shirt to flatten it.

he takes my hand and pulls me back down on the bed.

"i like you."

i look at him and feel myself turning red. it's only fair that i unzip his collar to see if he's getting flushed by this as well.

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