chapter 21

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word count: 1263
warnings: vomit, blood fest :p
i fully wake up, my back sitting up against the building. i focus my eyes, remembering the situation. i see toge sitting in front of me.

"hey, get back inside," he tells me.

i shake my head, "no, i can fight."

"no you can't," he says while taking a double look behind him, watching the fight.

i sigh and nod, knowing that my legs are completely weakened. i'm probably going to struggle to walk back inside alone.

"be careful," i reach my hand out to the front of his collar, trying to unzip it.

he quickly unzips it and leans in to kiss my cheek, "make sure you get back inside."

my hand reaches his cheek and i look into his eyes before closing mine and kissing his lips deeply.

i quickly pull away and watch a faint smile appear on his face. he stands back up and i watch him run back into the field.

i can hear toges screams of commands but gojo hushing him so that he doesn't hurt himself.

the atmosphere is darker than before. ashes begin to flood the ground. i'm out of the zone, so it's not as bad over here. the sky is a deep red and ash and gojo are still fighting.

i just don't understand why gojo isn't winning. he's the most powerful person ever.

i try to get up, my legs wobbling. my head is still pounding and i can hear my own heartbeat. suddenly blood starts falling from the sky.

it's covering me.

i am being completely covered in blood. but who's blood? or what's blood?

and so is everyone else. everyone is getting covered in blood. it's drenching everybody. the sky lights up so bright, i can't see anything. i have to use my blood covered hands to cover my eyes.

a hear a loud ringing noise. and then i pass out.


i wake up on the field, my fingers interlocking with wet grass. i open my eyes, looking up at the bright blue sky. but i see red in my vision somehow. i sit up and all i see is blood. the field is covered in grass. the building is too.

i almost didn't see the bodies that are laying the field further out. they're completely covered in blood.

i stand up and my legs ache in pain as i begin to jolt. i'm slipping and sliding across the grass as i run. i can't keep my balance like this.

eventually i make it out to one of the bodies laying in the field. i kneel down and try to focus on their face.

"maki!" i yell as i sit her up.

i wipe the blood off her face, only smearing it more. while i do so, i push her bangs out of her eyes, shaking her body awake.

"maki, wake up!"

she groans which allows me to focus on my breathing again. she's alive.

i look around the field, maki in my arms.

i see an animal walking, hovering over people. it's panda.

"panda!!!" i scream, trying to grab his attention.

maki groans at how loud i'm being. i whisper her a sorry.

i sit her up properly, talking with her for a few minutes before helping everyone else out with panda. where is he? where is toge?

i see panda talking to itadori and megumi. they both look okay. megumi is laying in the field but itadori is kneeling beside him, helping out as well.

i look back at maki and see someone else running up to her. it's nobara. i'm glad to see she's okay too.

i suddenly stop walking when i see a body laying a few feet away from me. i almost didn't see them because they blended in with the bloody grass.

"toge?" i call out, quickly kneeling beside him. i move his hair out of his face as it sticks to his forehead. i can't even see his markings on his face because of how much blood he's covered in.

i help sit him up but he's still unresponsive.

i can feel myself tearing up. "toge? c'mon, you gotta wake up."

i keep wiping blood off of him but considering how much blood i'm also covered in, it does absolutely nothing.

"let's get him inside, y/n."

i look up to see gojo. he's also covered in blood.

i nod and stand up, too weak to pick him up. gojo slightly pushes me aside and picks toge up.

i walk behind him as everyone enters the building, getting the floors covered in blood as well.

"everyone take a shower. we will talk about what happened after in the common room," gojo announces.

everyone agrees and i watch gojo take toge to another room. why him...


we all head back to our dorms. i try not to make a mess of my room.

i turn the shower on and face the mirror. my eyes tear up as i see how much blood covers me. i don't even look like myself.

then it hits me that this is actual blood. all i can taste and smell is blood.

i lean over the toilet and begin to throw up, unable to stop it from coming out. i flush the toilet as i catch my breath. i get in the shower and close my eyes after watching blood fill the tiles.

i'm in the shower for about an hour before getting every last drop of blood out of my hair and finally feeling a bit more refreshed.


heading back to the common room, i see smears of bloody prints against the wall. i gulp, nervous about what gojo is going to tell us.

i'm the first one in the room — next to gojo of course.

"gojo! is toge okay?" i ask.

he nods, "yeah, he's awake. he should be taking a shower right now. don't worry y/n, your lovebird is all good. he just overdid it... once again. he knows not to use his speech against strong users." gojo facepalms.

i nod and take a seat on one of the couches, fiddling with my thumbs.


i watch everyone walk in one by one. toge behind the last. he sits next to me and wraps his arm around me, bringing me close to him. i didn't realize he'd be so open doing this in front of everyone.

"okay so. as we all know, that was ash..." gojo begins.

"we have caught him once again... we actually plan on killing him."

"killing? isn't that..." itadori starts to speak up.

"we all saw the floods of blood he left. the blood that has covered our home and ourselves. this was real people's blood. he killed the whole population of a city. we don't know how he did it, but every single one of them is dead. he then opened a portal in the sky which made it seem like it was raining blood. i hope all of you are okay with us sentencing him to his death but even if you aren't, that doesn't matter."

we all sit there and stare blankly. i cover my mouth as i feel like i'm going to throw up again. i look around and everyone else is also covering their mouths.

i can't even think straight right now. a whole city is dead? who are we dealing with here?

i haven't posted in like 2 months, i'm sorry! i hope you are all doing well ^^ this is quite a disturbing chapter but i want angst 😎

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