Chapter 2-New owners

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Omgggg Gyomei supremacy 🙌🙌🙌🙌 !!!! This man is so hottttt.Enjoy the photo!!

When we arrived back stage there were two tall men waiting for us.They were in fancy black suits, one of them was on their phone while the other was talking to a worker.Atleast it wasn't some old man who bought us.I looked at Osamu and tightly griped his hand.We walked over to them and waited by the worker.

"Yes your payment has been made.Please enjoy your purchase"

The worker walked away leaving us and the 2 men alone.One stopped playing on their phone to look at us.He had light brown hair and paleish skin.

"Well what an amazing purchase we've made. They're so cute!We already know your names so why don't we tell you ours."

The other one joined in
"My name is Sakusa Kiyomi."
He had a deep voice and short, black curly hair.

"And I'm Suna Rintaro!Let's leave and then we can show you our new home."

I nodded, I didn't know if I could disobey them. They seemed nice but I couldn't tell if it was an act or not. I took one step forward but then dropped to my knees. Since I hadn't walked properly in a year or so I wasn't really used to it. Osama bent down to help but there was nothing he could do. We were both as weak as each other.

I felt arms go under my armpits and lift me up. It was Sakusa. He placed me facing him, my legs rapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. I looked over and saw Suna pick up Osamu in bridal style.

'Let me go!' Osamu screamed.

He started to kick and struggle in Suna's arms.

'Calm down honey,it's not like I'm gonna hurt you.'

Osamu pov-

He grabbed me firmly so I stopped struggling.I looked over at my twin and saw him drifting off in Sakusa's arms.

'Look your twins already settled in with Sakusa."

Him and Sakusa started to walk back to there car,I was also really tired but I didn't want to fall asleep.I wanted to look around,see if anything's changed for the last two years.When you've been locked up for 2 years it's natural to want to look around.Sleep took over me and I quickly dozed off.

Sakusa Pov-

Me and and my best friend Suna were in our car with our new omega's in our arms.We had already chosen which ones we wanted,I got Atsumu.He was cute and small,also very obedient.At that moment he was laying asleep in my arms cuddling me.Osamu (his twin) was asleep on Suna's lap.He was the feisty twin,I didn't really want him.I liked the obedient ones more,they annoy me less.

"They're so cute,aren't they?"

Suna asked.

"Yeah I'm glad we found them,I just know my mother will love them"

Suna had moved in with Sakusa when his mother died.Sakusa's mother was like his own mother,they were like a family.A very....very dangerous family.

Atsumu pov-

I slowly opened my eyes.I wasn't in my cage? As I stretched my legs and thought deeper.I remembered what happed yesterday and my eyes widened.I realised someone was laying in front of me.HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT!!!!I accidentally shuffled around a bit causing him to look at me.

"I see you're awake."


I quietly nod my head,I still didn't know if it was acceptable to speak.I suddenly remembered Osamu

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