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Y/n L/n

You're one of our 2 main characters. Her personality is much different from Selever's, so many wonder how the two of them ended up together. Y/n is sweet, thoughtful, cute (Not that Selever isn't), 

Y/n's family consists of:

Her Mother, Dalila L/n 

Her Father, Jeremy L/n 


Selever is the 2nd of our two main characters. His personality is much different from Y/n's, which has many wondering how they got together. Selever is uptight, hyperactive, disrespectful individual who does what he likes, makes inappropriate jokes, and does not care about the consequences of his actions. He overuses profanity and he treats everyone as if they're his sexual partner, or a fuckboy.

Selever's family consists of:

His Mother, Sarvente 

His Father, Ruv 


His younger sister, Rasazy 


Y/n = Your name

L/n = Last Name

F/c =  Favorite color

H/c = Hair Color

H/l = Hair length 

(Reader must be between the height of 5'1 - 5'4, sorry!)

RF/N = Random Female Name

Things to know:

Selever is a Minor, so no NSFW, even though Selever enjoys making inappropriate jokes and is known as a fuckboy, there will be NO NSFW, maybe some makeout sessions, angst, fluff, etc. but nothing more.

Y/n's ex boyfriend, Mark, recently started cheating on her with RF/n, and Y/n found out about it. So she immediately runs to a bench in a park and starts crying. Thus how she met Selever.

Mark is Y/n's now ex boyfriend who cheated on her with RF/n. He had Orange hair and is a mandarin skinned boy who is 6'1.  

I'm not sure if Selever and Rasazy made it out of the Nothing world, so for the sake of the story they're being cast out (If still in)

I'm NOT sure if the fnf characters have phones, but for the story, the characters DO have phones!

Selever is 7'5, so he is pretty tall!

I know Rasazy is about 16, but for the story she'll be around the age of 10, just because I want to. Selever is still 17, Rasazy is the only character from fnf that changed age. 

I found out that Sarvante's Church has no wi-fi . . . so let's pretend there is wi-fi..! And that the church inside looks kinda like a house..

A Little Touch of Hell; Selever x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now