Chapter 1 Accidental meeting

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One day one of my toys went over the hedge to the neighbours yard I went into the hole where

connect both of our houses to get it back that's when I spotted a very pretty and nice girl she was

playing basketball with her father that's when her father actually notice me trying to get something

back that turned out to be landed in the tree I really had a bad aim and that was for sure instead

of yelling at me he actually went to go get my toy from the tree and inviting me over towards them

and I was introduced to Penelope and I said my name is Francis and just like that we became

good friends that's soon turn into best friends
That's when things became even better

One day me and her were talking about nicknames so we don't have to be so formal of

each other all the time and honestly I like that

Penelope: maybe we will come up with something

Francis: that probably is best and always be my friend Penny

Penelope: I really like that nickname

Francis: okie I'll use that nickname for you heh

Penelope: KG let's go play more whoops if you don't like the nickname just....

Francis: no no I really like it and it's simple and easy to say

Penelope: okie I'll call you KG for now on

Francis: alright let's go and play now

Penelope: okie come on KG

Francis: coming penny!

We were laughing and play In the sun while the water sprinklers went off and spray us with water

Nothing but smiles and laughter coming from both of us and I saw her parents looking straight

at us smiling I think they're glad that their daughter had a friend which I was glad to be

As we continue to play near the sprinklers and the water kept pouring around it was so much

fun especially on a hot summer day and honestly after all that her parents invited me inside

despite me being shy and saying maybe and penny had to drag me inside for lemonade

Which I didn't mind as long as it was her who took me inside and I ended up enjoying my

afternoon over there and my parents figure it out that I was next-door but they weren't worried

they were good friends with the proud family like what I remember they were saying about them

and they were college friends or something and also they were super close to each other so they

didn't mind and they were glad I was friends with their daughter as well and my sister didn't put up

a fight for once and let me have some fun and once everything was over it was time for me to go

my parents came to get me and they said they might leave me and Maya here sometimes when

they're busy or when they want to go outside with her parents too and her parents were happy and

they agreed to it and said anything for friends
And once we got home they put us to bed

And turn off the lights and I dreamed that me and Penny will have more fun times together

I'm just hoping nothing else goes wrong after today...

To be continued....

Sweetheart love (KG/Penny love story)Where stories live. Discover now