1. the fight

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" i dropped your hand while dancing, left you out there standing "

- taylor swift


Ladybug threw the roses onto the ground and groaned in exasperation.

"Why won't you get it?" She yelled, advancing on Chat Noir, tears filled in her eyes, "I can't love you! My heart belongs to someone else, yet it feels like at every turning point, you cling to me desperately and I'm forced to pry you off!"

Chat Noir stepped back, his heart pounding, his head throbbing and eyes threatening tears. " Then what am I supposed to do?" He yelled, picking up the fallen flowers and pressing them to his chest, " How am I supposed to dull this feeling? To be rid of it? How am I to stop loving you when your eyes have stared at me through every waking dream?"

Ladybug covered her face with her hands, she was shaking badly. Not only from the awkwardness and the fury of the situation, but from confusion and stress as well: she was sick of having to deal with Chat's obsession with her, and his lengthy declarations.

Yes, he was admittedly good-looking, but she knew that Adrien was the one that she belonged to, and her heart beat faster just thinking about him - him with the sweet smile and kind eyes, the one who made her blush and fumble up her words.

But Chat Noir was confusing her, giving her flowers, being there for her and making her laugh. Sometimes she felt so comfortable in his company that the thought of Adrien slowly faded away, and that was the scariest feeling of it all.

It was all too much. All of it. She couldn't understand her heart anymore.

"Leave me alone," she begged him, turning away and leaning against the railing of the roof on which they were standing.

" I can't have you do this anymore Chat, please. "

Her last word was a whisper, but Chat understood all too well the meaning behind it.

He crumpled up the petals of the roses in his fist and threw them off the railing. But it was not his place to be angry. He couldn't force someone to love him.

He stole one last glance of her, her face glowing in the fading light, her hair matted with tears. He tore himself away, unable to see her this broken and know that this was because of him.

He extended his staff and stood on the railing and breathed out a word of "sorry" . But his words were blown away by the wind as he left, leaving Ladybug confused and alone.

Later that night, after de-transforming, Adrien curled up in his bed, regret and pain etched on his face. And he finally allowed himself to cry.


Author's Note:

hey guyss! imma try and update at least once a week!

also for those who can name the taylor song at the start are elite ✨

im a hardcore swiftie so you might see some references in the next few chapters lol

also comment and vote pls! thank u!

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