3. stranger things

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"You know it's not the same as it was"


Of course, there had to be an akuma attack. Adrien made an excuse and left to transform. He walked cautiously into the seemingly empty locker room.


"Adrien? What are you doing here?" Came a voice from the door. Adrien spun around and saw that it was Marinette. He silently cursed at himself for not being careful enough.

"Nothing, just, you know, hiding from the akuma." 

Marinette doubted the sincerity of his reply, but didn't think anything of it. She had too many things going on in her mind at the moment to wonder what Adrien was doing. 

"What are you doing Marinette?" Asked Adrien, leaning casually against a locker that clearly wasn't his. Marinette knew where his locker was, of course.

"Mme Bustier sent me to make sure that all students were back in the classroom so the akumatised person won't hurt anyone individually."

Marinette was so used to lying by now that her excuse came to her easily. She was just about to leave the room when she realised something and took a step back in shock.

"Are you alright Marinette?" Asked Adrien, concerned for his friend.

Marinette nodded silently and hurried to the bathroom, her hand over her pulse. It was only when Tikki asked her what was wrong that she told her.

The whole time she had been talking to Adrien, she hadn't stuttered once.


Ladybug met Chat Noir on the roof of the school. Mr Pigeon had been akumatised yet again (for the 75th time) and it only took Chat Noir a single slash of his baton and his cataclysm to destroy the akuma. 

"Pound it" said Ladybug, extending her fist towards Chat Noir. But Chat Noir was looking away, his eyes cast down, his usual smile missing.

"Is anything wrong?" Asked Ladybug. She knew things would be tense after their argument but surely it wouldn't affect their dynamic as much.

But Chat Noir simply pretended not to hear, his eyes cast off at the horizon, his face turned away. Something was wrong, and she knew it.

"I'm sorry Ladybug, about the other night." Said Chat Noir quietly. 

"Kitty, it's alright, I think I must have overreacted-"

"No, it's not alright." Said Chat Noir, turning to face her. "You told me numerous times that you weren't interested yet I continued to persist and tell you how I feel. It's time to let go, I guess."

Ladybug felt her heart sink a little on the inside. She didn't like Chat Noir, not in that way, but perhaps a part of her was starting to see just how much he had changed and how much he had done over the years. All of the times when she needed to talk to someone and he leant her his attention, all the times when she was ridden with stress and he lit her up with his corny puns and jokes, and all the times when they fought together and each time it felt as if Ladybug was lighting up inside, as if maybe there might be something about him after all.

But that thought was silly. Besides, she had Adrien, didn't she? 

But even as she thought that, the usual glow that came with the thought of him faded, replaced with a dull, empty ache.

"Th-thank you Chat Noir," coughed up Ladybug, unsure what else to say. She wanted to tell him that she was sorry for lashing out and over exaggerating, but her words wouldn't form and she was left speechless.

"Well that's settled then, " said Chat, swallowing. Ladybug could tell he was hiding his true feelings, and she appreciated him even more just for doing so. 

"See you later Chat Noir, " she said, forcing a smile. 

But he had already left.



Sorry for the late update! I've been addicted to Heartstopper lately and haven't had time to update my stories lmao.

Also I know I used a Harry Styles song quote instead of a Tay but what can I say I'm a child of divorce

why did i just type all of that using capital letters that bugs me out but im not going to change it now bc i cant be bothered

alright imma go now bye

ps. ill update maybe next week? idk i have exams coming up soon soo yea

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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