Foggy Mind; Prologue (1)

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A/N: slightly changed the thumbnail🧍🏿‍♀️ 

Third POV: A Cowardly Student

The are a few things to understand about the 18 year old Makoto Naegi before this entire thing starts, (1) He is a coward and afraid of confrontation, (2) he has a good heart but can be very awkward and insecure at times, (3) he would of been the Ultimate Journalist had he pursued his hobby instead of abandoning it, and (4) he has an official title as an Ultimate but for some reason in particular he has a separate one as the Ultimate Lucky Student.

And there is only 1 thing you need to know about Nakajima Kimi, While He exists in the registry as a another person, he will never not be two people at the same time.

Hopes Peak Academy is the place where the talented and gifted come together and learn to be successful and set for life, students with Ultimate Talents. theres quite a bit of a requirement to get in, it was funny because someone was as plain and cowardly as Makoto stood in front of such an intimidating gate separating him from the normal world and the Dream life.

There is nothing in particular  about him that personally gor himi enrolled, there's not much of anything for him when it comes to grades, special abilities, or even personality, because come on, he's like a cardboard box inside and out, honestly he thinks that being this plain is a Ultimate, he may have hobbies and other things he like's to do,

but it's not like he was a Idol or a Artist or A Detective, their's people like that at Hopes Peak Academy, and then, if any of his classmates asked him what his favorite song was, or his favorite thing to watch, it'd just be something they'd never heard of, just something that only ordinary people like, nothing unique like the people around him, he is not the everyday person, because somehow everyone else around him was uniquely different.

"I'm not sure if i can even walk through the front gate without throwing up,,"

Makoto felt the overwhelming presence of the tall building, like it's trying to suffocate him and pull him in, it's no wonder he feels this insignificance of himself.  there's going to be so many Talented and Unique people in that place, so much so he might not fade into the background, he would just be the odds one out,

Hope's Peak having those who are the true elites in the field, It's really a popular topic, there are many, many, many online threads that are only dedicated to talking about the school's attendees, he's gone over the threads every year when new ultimates go to Hope's Peak, he's researched most if not all the Ultimates as a way to cope with the Anxiety of the his stressful school life,

 he studied the threads religiously and saw all the talk about the Ultimate students, an example, would be am incoming student as the Ultimate Pop Sensation, which was her official Title, most people on the internet call her the Ultimate Idol, she's a high school girl who's also the lead singer for a pop group famous all over the country so a lot of the threads had a her information on there, he doesn't pay too much attention  to her personal stuff, Her name was Sayaka Maizono, the name was vaguely familiar but he didn't really focus on it too much

Another example would also be the Ultimate Baseball Star, He was considered the cleanup hitter for the national high school champions, a lot of Pro teams already have their eyes on him, then there's the Ultimate Fashionista, she's been on the cover of tons of fashion magazines, She's what every high school girl wants to be, a lot of her information are also on the Threads, Creepy people, he really doesn't like how weird people can be on the threads,

He likes researching Ultimates, it was kind of like writing an article about Unique people from a cardboard Box's Perspective, they were the country's finest, top to bottom he was supposed to  feel like a wolf in sheep's clothing in a way with a lack of self control wandering into a flock of sheep, but he didn't, he was really fine just staying in the background, attention makes him feel nauseous which is why he stays alone a lot of the time.

But there was something interesting he couldn't stop thinking about, there were certain Ultimates who didn't have any information on, and it was kind of surprising considering that the threads always had a concerning amount of information, no matter how much he looked, With all the Ultimate's he would be the only one without any kind of worth or Talent, all the others who didn't have any information were probably so important they had like, government protection or something.

They'll probably be super Important people, so it'd be best to avoid them

The thought is kind of discouraging, he doesn't have much of anything at all in way of casualty, beyond that it's kind of weird on how he got into this Amazing Place when he's like the embodiment of a brick wall, he was chosen for "a reason", the reason itself is off and a bit suspicious but a usually good place to start is the acceptance letter they sent him.

"We Recently held A lottery to select one ordinary student to attend our school. As a result, you have been selected, and we invite you to join us as the Ultimate Lucky Student."

Makoto Naegi:    Ultimate Lucky Student!

They spelled it out plain as day, he was invited by pure luck, he should have probably be concerned about why they specified him in particular in the letter, he might as well been better off just declining the offer But knowing that graduating was a "guarantee for life"  so he wouldn't have to worry about money, or debt, or, anything really, he really doesn't have anything to lose by going so saying no would have been pointless,

But standing in front of the school's entrance he felt his stomach churn, and his throat start to burn, he probably stood out a lot more than he thought he did, he could feel himself starting to psyching himself out, But he really couldn't avoid this and just, go home, and wallow in his own self pity..

So he took a step forward, then another, then.. his vision started to Warp, melting away and building itself up before collapsing like an unsteady tower, and he felt his knees buckled under him, he could chalk it all up to sudden stress or high anxiety, but something in the back of his mind screamed, Despair

His Stomach churned as his brain scrambled  spinning, mixing, melting away, then spinning again, and  everything went black,

something tells him this was how a big mess began, it may sound quite a bit overdramatized and life as I knew it came to an end is a really edgy thing to say but, at this point he knows well by now that his gut feelings were never wrong, despite how much bad luck it gave him.

And his gut is telling him that early morning jitters and Anxiety would be the least of his problems,The inescapable feeling of Despair is probably something that he wouldn't want to experience any time soon..

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