Painful Headaches; Prologue (2)

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Third POV: Aftershock Jitters and Anxiety

"Why can't you interact with the other kids? Can't you at least try to talk to them? Who knows maybe you'll make some friends that like the same things you! Come one Makoto Just try...

Sigh, this would be so much easier if you were like Komaru

You can't be a shut in your entire life Makoto it's not healthy..

It's so hard to tell what you want! Why can't you just say what you want! God if only you said everything you thought like Komaru

Makoto why are you home so much all the time? Don't you have friends?

Look at you! Your starting to gain weight because of how lazy you are!

What your already out of breath? Sigh of course you're so lazy.

Your supposed to be setting an example for Komaru!

Sigh your her older brother why can't you help her out once in a while?

You can't blame us for forgetting your birthday, you never leave your room Makoto!

Hey Makoto you should go get a job since your old enough now, try and socialize! It'd do you some good!

Komaru's birthday is tomorrow so make sure your not in your room! And clean up your room it's such a mess!

Sigh, Komaru is just so loving and dependable, i wish we had two girls instead."

"Hey look the loners looking at us again!

Hey go get me some milk.

Hey Naegi!! Your sisters a lot better than you are!

You think you'll ever be anything but a cowardly freak!

Oh Naegi? Well I- he's okay i guess..? He's creepy though..

That freak?! He's a total creep and a shut in! Worthless.

Makoto Naegi is nothing but a pathetic freak with eye-bags that thinks he "so cool" because THE Sayaka Maizono talked to him once!"


Makoto Jolted awake breathing heavily, sweat formed on his brow as he started to hyperventilate, his heart pounding and his mind scrambling as he started to look around at his surroundings, a classroom, okay a classroom he can work with that, what was it again?

5 things you can see. 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can taste, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can feel

1. Blackboard, 2. desks, 3. Steel plates, 4. The Clock, 5. Camera

1. AC, 2. clicking sound, 3. Clock ticking, 4. His own Breathing.

1. Tears, 2. Snot, 3. Smoothie he drank earlier that day

1. Cleaning Supplies, maybe someone just cleaned the classroom.. 2. His own spit

1. Paper-

Paper? Makoto looks in his hand to see a balled-up piece of paper in his fist, he shakily unravels the paper as his breathing starts to even itself out

"The next semester is about to start. Starting today, this school will be your entire world"

'Did a child write this?'

He Wondered, It was written in poorly spelled crayon, but the message itself id concerning, his entire world? What did it mean, there's so many things it could mean, either it was an innocent message for some kind of strange joke, or this is a malicious threat and he should be running as fast as he possibly could 'which wasn't far, or a lot by any means

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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