Moving On

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It's been three years since you left him. Did you have regrets? Of course you did. You were terrified to be on your own, without his love and support. Your self doubt was so strong that you almost convinced yourself to maybe answer one of his many calls. You never did though. You had to put yourself first. If you had never done that, then you wouldn't have met the real love of your life.

An arm wrapped your waist, interrupting your thoughts, and rested his hand on your small bump. "How are my two favourite girls doing?"

Warmth filled you on the inside. You never truly thought you could be this happy again yet here you were with a family of your own. Sometimes you were haunted by the memories but as years passed, it all got easier.

That's the thing about love. Everyone always promises it will last forever. You thought that too as well. After you got in that taxi, you realized that the love between you two had been missing for quite sometime. It was a hard pill to swallow. Neither one of you wanted to see it or accept it. You'll never forget the pain you felt seeing him love someone else when he was supposed to be loving you though.

"We're good, love. We're really good." You finished plating the chocolate chip cookies and you passed it to him.

"Did I ever thank you for bumping into me and spilling coffee down my shirt?" He asked, teasing you about how you two first met.

"Everyday." You kissed him on his cheek and you both walked to the living room where you binged some tv until you fell asleep.

This was true happiness.

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