My Life is Gone

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The human mind can hardly fathom what is beyond their own solar system. Even the planets within range of the sun are a mystery to them. The idea of life on another planet that is far away is one that is widely believed by the population. It simply makes sense for Earth to not be the only planet capable of housing creatures out there. However, it is only a theory to them. They have not found any planets with any resources to survive or any life inhabiting it. This is because their little machines have not looked far enough. Hundreds of light-years from Earth is a planet that is worthy of such an example: Enubia.

Enubia was once a thriving world filled with a beautiful and dangerous jungle that mixed with technological advancements. It was home to many creatures, but the one of most note was the Omosaran. The other creatures were like the animals on earth. Their only mission was to eat, reproduce, and eventually die. However, the Omosaran were much more kin to the humans with their intelligence and interference on their world. They did not live the joyful and carefree lives that many humans did. They were bred for nothing more than war. Only the strongest survived, as the weak perished in combat and destroyed any traits that would be less than beneficial for the species as it evolved. Their rulers were a king and queen, whose mission was to divide and conquer any planets that may have posed a threat to them. They wished to be known as the strongest species in the galaxy. In their history, they had only taken over a few planets and had to flee from others. There was never a day that they were truly defeated until the Grolzuna landed on all of their colonies.

The soldiers of their planets fought valiantly, but this sudden force of power from the Grolzuna was the very thing that was too much for them to bear. Their planets were destroyed and billions died. Only a few hundred managed to escape in pods. The pods shot off into space, hoping to reach some form of peaceful planet while their home crumbled behind them. One of those few lucky Omosaran was Number 72654. His pod held his unconscious body due to the massive whiplash of the planets demise, as well as his wounds from battle. It was moving at high speeds across the galaxy and straight to planet Earth where the humans lived.

Late in a city called Actrahem, a human girl walked to her apartment with exhaustion after her job. Her name was Madelynn Mason, and she was completely unaware of the events that were about to transpire. She was a young twenty two year old who was living on her own for the first time. Her job did not pay as much as she liked, so she was living paycheck to paycheck with building stress that she had to swallow. Most nights when she got home, she would just eat something and go to bed. She was slumping up the steps to go inside her apartment, but the door behind her opened. Turning around, she saw her neighbor, Vivian Jackson, staring at her.

"Hi, Vivian." Maddie mumbled tiredly. She really wasn't in the mood to talk, but couldn't just ignore her. "How was your day?"

"Honey, come sit inside with me for a bit." Vivian insisted and walked into her home.

Vivian was a beautiful African-American woman in her early thirties. She was far wiser than the young and naive Maddie. Maddie considered her to be an older sister or even a mother at times. Her mother was hours away in a different town, so even if she was just a phone call away, Vivian was physically there. Vivian saw the stress the poor girl was carrying and often tried to help her relax. She knew Maddie didn't eat much and if she did, it would be a snack like chips or something. Maddie, as much as she wanted to sleep, couldn't deny her.

"Okay..." Maddie muttered and walked over to her. "Just for a little while, though. I need to go to bed."

"Madelynn, how much food have you had today?" Vivian put her hands on her hips with an eyebrow raise.

Maddie blinked and thought for a moment. "I had a granola bar earlier." She sadly admitted.

Vivian shook her head. "Get your ass in this house." She ordered. With a feeling that she was being punished, Maddie let out a defeated sigh and walked into the apartment. Vivian closed the door behind her and pointed to the couch. "Sit down."

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