One dark wall

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Those 10 minutes flew by and soon there was not just the girls but also Italy, Prussia and Russia sitting in the living room.
As soon as Ivan opened the door and saw me in my dress but without my wig, I thought he was gonna pass out. His anger wasn't just towards me and my girls but towards himself for not seeing through my trickery and lies.
Soon after the deal was put back on the table I went and gave Ivan a hug against Italy's best wishes. I felt bad somewhat for my trickery while in Ireland, the hug lasted a while but as I tried to retreat back to the couch I was not successful. As he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him once again.
My stomach was still draining my energy even after two days so I really didn't have the energy to fight to get off his lap. At this Prussia was basically growling and Italy didn't know weather to try to rescue me or not.
As we sat there in silence I knew someone would have to break the awkwardness.
"Ivan how is Friday for you since you lost the bet"? I asked.
"Ya that sound fine we can have it here at your place I'll be here around 3 and we will start a 6". finished Ivan .

By the end of the meeting Ivan carried me up to my room and left me there with America and Canada. We hardly slept or ate those next few days because we were making a new battle strategy.

Inner thoughts (Germany)
You want a battle you've got a war, don't mess with my girls and don't bet on me. Expessaly Gilbert he knows better than to bet on his princess, because I will self destruct and make myself a peasant just to make him happy.

Dark SpacesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang