Chapter 0

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Oh here are the most used keys

(y/n) = your name

(L/n) = Last name

(F/c) = Favorite color

(F/F) = favorite food (might not be used)

(S/c) = Skin color

(Y/H) = your height

(y/h) = Your hair

(H/c) = hair color

(h/l) hair length (but it probably won't be mentioned a lot)

Now typing keys

"hey (y/n)" is talking

I remembered going to a bright blue house..

Is a flashback

And  "ok that's all for today darlings!"

I might have it like this but I'm not sure

That's all my darlings see you in the next chapter! And remember I do not own anyone unless I say so you own y/n and someone owms BATIM  and the picture isn't mine! Thank you!!

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