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"Yes really! It's only fluff and love in this household"

Bendy laughed a little and he stopped crying (y/n) wiped his face and then went into the kitchen to make crackers and peanut butter,

(for real this is the best snack bro)

Bendy grabbed a cracker and ate it he seemed to like it because after you set the plate down on the living room table, he ate most of them while watching a cartoon with you

* cue lights going off and thunder *

"Oh god the lights went out"


"I dunno happens before, and aren't you demon? You can see in the dark"

".....we don't talk about that ok"


Bendy in............


made by....


Music by Sammy Lawrence

(Y/n) turned their phone's flashlight on so they could see something after a little while they found that a lightning bolt hit the power box(?) And so until the workers could fix it...it was gonna be dark

"well in this case we can have a slumber party!"

"Bendy just a second ago you were hating being in the dark.."

"well I don't hate it anymore so lets go!"

"Wow mood swings much?"....

(Y/n) followed as bendy just walked straight into their room got their blankets and pillows and walked back out to put them on the chairs and sofa
Ofc after moving the table out and the chair into the right position and then bendy ran back into the room saying he.

"Left something important"

he came back with some granola bars and (y/n)s computer.

"Ya ready now?"


"good because were going to watch a horror movie!"

"Ok! That sounds awesome!"

(Y/n) turned on Chucky (is that the movies name?)
At first bendy seemed hyper... Then he got even more hyper if possible.






"can we do something else? Please!"

"no bendy its 2:58 am we have to go to bed"


"what you mean no?"

"I said no"

(Y/n) laid down on a pillow and closed their eyes

"what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to sleep"


After a few minutes bendy laid down beside them
He had nothin else to do anyway

"Goodnight (y/n)"

"night bendy..."

The Ink Between Us| Bendy x Non-Binary readerWhere stories live. Discover now