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"/n).. wake up! (Y/n).. Its time to get up!"

"No...I wanna keep sleeping"

"nope its time to get up (y/n)"

Bendy took the cover from (y/n) and they tried to get back but bendy had left and put it back on their bed he kept doing this until all the covers were gone and (y/n) was fully awake.

They did their routine and out one a (f/c) shirt and some (f/c) pants they also grabbed a brush and called bendy to the room he came running in with a cookie in his hand and one in his mouth.


"can I brush your hair?"


"please? please??"

"...fine "

Bendy sat down on their bed still eating the cookies he stole and (y/n) sat beside him and brushed his hair,

It was surprisingly easy to do only a few brushes and it stayed like that so they put it in a little style that they thought suited him

"are you done?"





"yep I'm done now"

Bendy then got up and looked in a mirror he liked it
But now he wanted to go outside...

And (y/n) wasn't sure if he could since people could see him but..then again he looked Like a teenage boy anyway so why not?

They brought him onto their balcony it had two white chairs, a grey carpet and a small table with some books on it it was also some plants there and a wooden railing as well as some games

Bendy grabbed a book and sat on the chair you grabbed one as well it was (Book/name) and you sat down as well you just noticed that bendy grabbed a comic book of his T.v show it only had him and Boris in it tho..

He seemed a little sad..did he miss being in the studio? They didn't think so I mean he would've asked to leave right?

"bendy are you alright?.. You seem sad"

"..its nothin... I just miss Boris"

"what about Alice?"

"I'm sure I won't miss her much she always tried to give me a make over and make me wear dresses or skirts"

"oh..well what about samm-"

"He let you kidnap me!"

"Good point"

"I just wanna see Boris again...I left him like he had left me....I left without a goodbye"

"Welp...were going back to the studio! If my precious ink boi wants his friend he's gonna get his friend"

"Thanks (y/n- wait...ink boy?"


(Y/n) patted his head and said they'll be right back they had to make sure their car was 'ink proof' luckily it was and they put bendy in the back seat

"Aww come on why do I have to set in the back!"

"Because..I don't want you to get hurt while I'm driving plus you kinda look like a kid"

"..I do not!"

"Bendy..look at you your like a small child"

At the studio...

(Y/n) went in with bendy...it looked the same just cleaned they could hear something that sounded like music coming from the department....

They went to check it out and they saw Sammy?! With searchers?! And with Boris?! And Alice?!

To be continued.....

The Ink Between Us| Bendy x Non-Binary readerWhere stories live. Discover now