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When i woke up JJ wasn't there. This worried me and i rushed to my feet only to realize he was laying next to Pope now. Honestly it hurt my feelings why didn't he want to lay next to me? Did i move around to much in my sleep and he got annoyed? Did he just not want to be around me? Did i smell? ( probably we've been stuck on an island without showers) With my head hung low i made my way over to our self made fire pit where Sarah was sitting.

"hey" "hey" she smiled at me. We just sat there listening to the ocean until we heard a big rumble we looked around and then at each other and just laughed. Both of our stomachs were rumbling from barely eating since we've arrived.

"Hey whose good at some good ole fishing" Sarah said to the sleepy boys on the ground.

They got up and made their way over to us and Jj grabbed a stick, starting to sharpen it with his knife.

" You know what they called me back in obx" i gave him a questionable look.


"greatest fisherman there ever was and ever will be " i rolled my eyes

"Yeah right i've never seen you catch anything in my life "

"You just weren't paying attention then i'll show you how i do it right now". He then grabbed another stick and started walking down the beach as i followed .

Now we've both been standing in the water holding our pointy sticks for about ten minutes and still no fish.

"Wow i'm really impressed J"

"shh you'll scare them away" he snipped this made me roll my eyes

"Scare what away?!! Jj there's nothing here" I turned around to head back to our sight as i felt him grab my arm. He twist me around and now we're face to face inches apart. "I'm sorry i wasn't trying to be mean Kie i'm just frustrated i knew you were hungry and i wanted to make you feel better" he says sadly and looks to the ground.

I felt bad to me it wasn't that big of deal i was hungry -why was he so concerned?

"Hey it's no biggy we can try over there and look for more fish?" i said as i pointed further down the coastline.

He sighed and nodded and we started walking. He started showing me how to hold and spear and catch fish correctly ( imagining there was any).

"You just gotta aim as soon and u see one and then BAM! go for it " he says as he stabs into the water bringing one fish out of the water.

I smile being actually impressed. I try and do it and catch nothing. "Here more like this" he gently takes my hand to hold the spear right -i just gaze at him. I've never seen him this focused. He smiles and backs away as i try to catch another fish but fail again. Im starting thinking about how i woke up alone and how i hated the feeling. I couldn't help myself from asking him what i did wrong.

" Hey so am i an annoying sleeper or something?" he looked at me confused

"When i woke up you were gone " I could tell the realization hit him.

"Oh i didn't move until the morning when i knew you would be okay just didn't want the other to get the wrong impression" he looked at me with a grin

"Wrong impression?" i asked.

"Yeah didn't want them thinking there was any other reason for me to be sleeping next to u other than the "creatures" ya know " we stopped walking and i turned towards him and we're eye to eye again.

"Is that the only reason" i said.

"You tell me" he looked down at me and we're staring at each other.

"Ya totally" i said and started walking back towards the group . The whole way back we were both silent. I knew my answer was a lie. I just felt better when he was around but he didn't need to know that.

"One fish???" John b said i just shook my head and kept walking

Facing Reality -jiara EDITING Where stories live. Discover now