𝐗𝐗𝐕: Cake, swimsuits and a birthday girl

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When I opened my eyes, I was staring at a pair of blue beamy eyes. That and thick eyelashes bouncing up and down. "You awake now, Em?"

"Sandra? Wait, what time is it?" I glanced around, forgetting that my dad's room was the only one with a wall clock. Then I turned to my bedside table where my wristwatch was but my sleepy eyes wouldn't decipher what the hands were saying.

"Ten-o-six, why?"




My eyes saw green before I felt water running down my body, making my purple chemise even sheerer. "Happy birthday, my pumpy-umpy-umpkin!" Then I felt Sandra's pale soft skin hugging mine tightly, a now-empty green bucket beside her.

"I. . .Thanks, Sandra."

As I hugged Sandra, I thought about what Tevessa had said. Here, now, I didn't feel indebted to her, I didn't not love her. I mean, she'd just drove all the way here to wish me a happy birthday. Even mum hadn't wished me yet-I knew she would wish me later-nor did dad; Rowan hadn't called, too. But Sandra was here, on a lovely cool Saturday, wishing her friend a happy birthday.

Sandra was in a striped skirt and a sleeveless blue top with the word 'Hello Swimmer!' imprinted on the chest. Her blonde hair was held up by fine ribbons tied in bows. This girl was beautiful - inside and out.

It made me hate Kimberly even more, telling me to avoid Sandra, and be a paranoid person who didn't want to seek good in others.

"Thank me later." Sandra slipped out of the warm embrace I was getting comfortable in. I stood up and out of my bed as she spoke because I didn't want to get my bed any more soaked. "But now, you need to go to that bathroom, have a bath and meet the rest."

"Yeah, I have to bath- Wait, did you just say the rest?"

"Yeah. Just Chloe. . ." she breathed and I sighed and grabbed my towel that was hung on my wardrobe, preventing it from closing properly "And Cole." She looked up as if counting.


"Yeah and Bryan and some others. . .I think."

"Some others!?" But sometimes, Sandra could be annoying, truly.

"Yeah. Luan, Ashley, King, not much." She shrugged. "Get quick or we'll be late. If they finish breakfast, I swear I will hate you."

She pushed me towards the door and opened it while yelling that she would search my wardrobe for something good to wear. Through the rails, I could see muscular guys and cheerleader-y girls scattered around in my small, homely living room. I could also smell toast. The small crowd must have heard Sandra's high-pitched lady voice talking about skirts and tank tops because they tilted their head and faced us: Sandra in her amazing outfit and me in a short soaked nightdress.

For a few seconds, it was quiet. Then soon, everyone was talking. I could make out their words: Hey, Emery! Happy birthday, girl. I love your dress. Of course, I could make out the owner of the last statement - Collins Gritihan.

"Hey," I managed. "Thank you." I needed time to take it all in, and because I couldn't take more of Cole talking about how good I looked in a wet purple chemise, I hurried to the bathroom, shut the door and began to brush my teeth.

I did everything as slowly as possible, I tell you.

When I was done, dreadfully, I hurried past the bathroom and into the living room because I didn't want them to see me in a towel wrapped around my petite figure.

Sandra and I kept arguing, even after she had me wear a sundress and was trying my hair in a style she learned recently. "It's okay if it's me and you going for a swim, truly," I complained. "Why did you have to bring your. . .Your friends."

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