Chapter 14

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[TRIGGER WARNING - read with caution]

 It was finally time. Jade pounced, he jumped on his mess of a father's back and coiled the rope tightly around his father's throat just like his father had done to him. Another thought to describe Jade's actions could be revenge. Jade had decided he was done with his father. One to get rid of him for his mother and the other for himself. It came down to if a dog bites you, you bite back. This was what Jade had thought as he internalized his actions.

He would send his father to hell.

His father deserved it.

He deserved to pay for his sins.

To receive punishment.

He was guilty... Just like Jade.

Jade hand's didn't falter as they forced his father's air passageways to face blockage. Even when his father struggled under his hold he would never release him. His father, as intoxicated as he was, struggled for release but Jade would never give it to him. Jade pulled the rope and his father scrambled and clawed at the rope that wrapped his neck. Gasping for breath and growing in pain. Jade was stronger than he looked, he was more agile than others believed and he was smarter than anyone could accept.

The only problem was that Jade had allowed himself to continuously be punished by his mother, to be punished by his father. He no longer wished to allow his mother or father to punish him. He no longer wanted to belong to them. He had realized that his mother was not the light, his father was not a hero. They were people. His mother had not sinned but been punished due to his and his father's existence. She was now to be released and go to heaven, but she was no longer Jade's law. She had been released from duty.

Now, his father will be pushed to the depths of the burning underworld where the rulers will dictate how punishment shall be implemented. Jade easily subdued the older man who once caused him fear. He no longer held that fear. He was used to pain. He was used to loneliness. He was here and he decided it was time to cease his existence in the mortal realm and begin his eternal suffering in hell. After a period of his father's fierce struggle, he no longer moved. His father had lost all strength. Jade didn't want to kill his father directly. He would allow his father to get a sample of what they would both suffer in the afterlife.

Jade released his hold on the rope that he had used to coil his father's throat allowing there to be a thud on release. Jade made way for the matchbox that his father hid on one of the shelves. He scrapped one match, feeling the heat of the flame flicker. Jade was slightly fascinated. This was to be his closest friend for the rest of eternity. He bend down and allowed the flame to flicker onto his father's unconscious body.

Jade stood up as he felt the growing heat consume his father. It was time to cremate his mother. He waddled off to where the cold body of his mother lay. Lighting another match and having the same mesmerizing feeling as he placed the match onto the cold and bloodied body. With that Jade decided it was best to set a few more flames. He walked to the kitchen, although in some sense everything was only a few steps away the house they lived in was small, old, and dirty. Their house was as sanitary as the boy's bathroom in his public school. And for a lack of better words. It was not in the slightest bit clean. Jade turned on the gas stove and set another flame. Jade wasn't too sure how to set the whole place ablaze but he was rather determined too, no matter how many matches in the box he had to go through. He continued to light parts of the house on fire. And once Jade was rather satisfied, or rather exceptionally tired he willingly crawled to the dresser, his personal punishment chamber, and allowed himself to finally rest. It had been done. He finally finished his task.

The whole place was swimming in flames. If Jade could see he would have been captivated by the color of the flames and how they flickered and danced as they consumed. Jade felt no rage, he felt no anguish, nor did he contain sadness. Rather he held an emptiness that seemed to consume him. As he grew older this emptiness had continued to grow and finally caused Jade to accept the fact he wished for death. Before he was indifferent to dying, it wasn't something he would seek but now it was different. He came to terms with the thought of dying and he now willed for it. He no longer wished to feel loneliness, in hell, he would at least be surrounded by other sinners like him; he would be comforted by the flare that was required to torment him. It was less haunting to be liberated from choices. Jade no longer contained tears, rather the sound of the fire coddled him to sleep. It was soothing to hear the sizzling sound of things burning. He was rather content.


Jade awoke to a rather odd feeling of being placed on a cloud. The rhythmic beeping that seemed to be in sync with his heart blared right next to him. The uncomfortable feeling of something had penetrated the skin between his elbow. The odd smell came from the plastic that covered part of his face. Jade wasn't sure what was going on. Why did he feel swaddled in warmth but still contained discomfort? But it wasn't the only thing that Jade noticed. It was loud, absurdly so and he could hear carts wheeling and shoes clacking in the hallway. He himself felt a disconnect from the world but this discomfort gave him an odd sense of reality. Where was he? It was different then what he thought he would awaken to. Jade also noticed the tension of the thread that once bound his lips were no longer there but it was like a phantom took its place. He didn't know what to expect. He couldn't help but twiddle his fingers and shift his head around to gain access to different sounds. He could feel that as he moved his arm the needle shifted with him causing some discomfort. He wasn't sure whether he disliked this "hell" or not. It was a rather strong contrast to the burn pit of flames that his mother had sworn about.

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