Just A Dream

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Jeongguk suddenly wakes up in an unfamiliar place. An abandoned train station. He sits in place for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows confused on how he got there, couple thoughts pass and then he decided to stand up and start exploring. You know, since staying still won't get him anywhere.

The more he travels around the more the place seems to feel unreal, he didn't feel like he was walking. He couldn't feel the floor beneath him, he couldn't feel the walls as he grazed his hands over them.

He looks over to the corner in the distance noticing bright neon lights, he walks up to it and comes across a door. He stuttered for a moment, deciding if he should knock or not. He still knocked anyway, though.

Jeongguk knocks on the door, thinking noone will answer. It's called an abandoned train station after all. He was ready to go back after waiting a few minutes, until the door creaks open. He pushed the door further and saw something — or, someone he'll never forget.

Infront of him there, was a figure about his height, maybe a little older than he is. He was beautiful, he seems so . . — he doesn't seem like he's from this world. The man described was wearing a baggy white hoodie with a glow in the dark text, ripped jeans, white hair, pale skin with some neon sneakers. They made eye contact and stared at eachother for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. Until the older spoke up


Damn, even his voice is angelic, Deep and calming.
uh, hi ”

”who are you? Where are you from? How did you get here? You don't seem like you're from here..” The older looks around in confusion.

Jeongguk was surprised about the amount of questions the other was bombarding him about.

”its uh, quite hard to explain. .”

The white haired boy sighed. ”thats understandable, alot of things are hard to explain, I guess. Want a tour of this place?”

Jeongguk was surprised again with the sudden invitation, but nonetheless he agreed. Hesitantly, but still agreed.


They've been exploring for awhile now, the seeming to be unreal guy only pointing at things and naming them. Both not saying much.

They come across a little area which caught Jeongguk's eyes, although the other just seemed to ignore it and walked past.

Curious, the younger calls out for the unknown man.

”hey! Um... V?”

”v..?” the man turned around to connect eyes with jeongguk, confused.

”oh sorry haha, your hoodie has a V in the middle, so I just decided to call out for you using that. You know, since I don't know your name.”

V  nodded in approval, seeming to be satisfied with the nickname.

”what do you need?”

Jeongguk points to the area that caught his eye. ”what's this?”

The place has a bunch of neon signs and lights, a few cans of slightly empty bottles of spray paint, a cooler containing snacks, a scratched mirror, an empty trash bin, a storage of clothes, a laptop, and a sleeping bag on the floor.

”this where I chill sometimes. It's not much but I get on by it” V chuckles a little nervously.

They then continue to go around the train station, giving the younger a tour. They come across this empty wall, V suddenly informed Jeongguk that he loves to spray paint, picking up a bottle of spray paint on the floor. And even invited Jeongguk to spray paint the wall with him. Jeongguk nodded, as he liked to draw sometimes.

Half an hour passed and they sit down together on sync Infront of their artwork. It was beautiful, the unnoticeable details V added, the contrast of colours, literally everything about it was so appealing to the eyes.

”you're good at this” Jeongguk said to break the silence, looking over at the other.

”thanks, you're not too bad yourself.” they exchanged smiles and sat in silence again.

Jeongguk was enjoying the comfortable silence for some reason. Maybe because someone who just seems unreal was sitting next to him, it feels like a dream.

He stares at the guy a little longer, taking in his appearance. From his soft white hair, pale skin, box-y shaped lips, to the little mole on his nose and the perfect jawline.

Shit this guy is so perfect what the fuck! He thought silently.

V lands his eyes on the others eyes , connecting them. Jeongguk panics as he realized he was staring, feeling like a total creep.

He was taken by surprise once again when V randomly explains why he's there, probably just to break the silence.

”I actually, ran away from my grandparents. They were quite abusive and I just - couldn't handle it anymore. So I decided to part ways with them.” he chuckles a bit sadly and awkwardly

”I'm sorry to hear that.”

”yeah haha, literally anyone would be sorry lol”

Did he just.. did he just *lol* in real life? Jeongguk looks at him dumbfoundedly.

”unfortunately tho, because of my sudden leave I couldn't bring my puppy with me. Basically the only reason why I'm still hanging on” he sighed.

Jeongguk felt pity, he felt bad for this absolute stranger.

”well... Wanna go back and get your puppy?”

It seemed to jeongguk that the others eyes suddenly glistened and his face started shining, with a smile on his face.

”wait — what? Really WILL YOU GO WITH ME !! ??” he asked excitedly.
”ahem - I mean uh,” he clears his throat. ”yeah we can go back and get my puppy”

how cute. Jeon smiled to himself.


After a few hours gone by they've finally made their destination, determined to get the puppy. They both climb up to take a peek at the second floor window, seeing the latter's grandparents fighting. The man looked to be quite worried about the dog as he mentioned his grandpa had anger issues. The puppy suddenly walks in the room and upon the grandfather seeing the pup, he picks it up and throws it across the room, applying all his strength and anger into the throw.

V gasps, seeing as his puppy's life just got taken by his angry grandparent. His emotion suddenly turns dull.

Jeongguk notices that V completely loses emotion. He invites the older to return as it would be better for him to be away from the house.

Once they got back from the train station , V thanks jeongguk for accompanying him on the way there, telling the younger that he needed to do some research on his laptop. He then runs away back into the room where they first met, seeming to be crying as he ran.

Jeon chases after him, not wanting to leave him to cry by himself. He tried opening the door but he couldn't. It was locked, so he decided to peek through the window instead. There, he saw V crying in the corner, eyes completely red. Just as he was about to call his name —

He wakes up, again

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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