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"forever," he said,
sealed it with a kiss, passionate and lingering.
a promise.

between panting breaths,
fingers intertwined, sweat slick skin,
he laid his claim on my heart.

we laid together to the morning,
watched the sunrise
and made love before he had to go.

we didn't want to let go.
but he had obligations, responsibilities,
he had made promises.

he made himself scarce with little time
to leave. a war to be fought
with him as the head. a leader, a warrior.

like the head of a
ferocious beast, he swore to lead his people,
a promise he would keep.

for six years he did fight, tooth and nail,
to save our people.
he was remarked a hero, a savior.

to victory they did reach
with dirtied nails and bloodstained hands, but
the price for that is always paid.

he promised forever,
let me believe
he would never be gone for too long.

but as i lay in our marital bed
tears on my cheeks and the hollow bones of a bird
all i can think is how unfortunate i must be.

how unfortunate i must be to love a man
who is no longer a man,
but a skeleton, a corpse. dead.

the world falls apart
at his feet, now cold and dead, with me
right behind it and on my knees.

a skeletal king atop a throne
made of a coffin and bones, watching over
our crumbling kingdom.

"forever," he said, sealed it with a kiss,
now frigid and lifeless.
a promise. one which he could not keep.

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