Almost there

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Mom drove me to the airport. She dropped me off and now I'm on the plane. I'm bored out of my mind. I'm flying to London England. I can't believe I actually get to see Louis ❤️

I can't wait to hug him. He said he's going to take me shopping first thing when I get there. Harry's excited for me to meet his nephew. But I'm terrified. I'm scared he going to treat me like everyone else does. If he does, I don't know if I'll make it through this summer.

I'm on the plane. And it smells horrible. This 5 year old keeps kicking my seat, and the guy beside me is snoring and smells like garlic.

Im about three second to throwing up, and that baby up there needs to shut up.
And yeah. I complain a lot.

"20 more minutes until we land at the London England national airport!" The flight attendant said.

So I just read. I carry a book with me every where I go.
This week it's "Give a boy a gun"
it's about these two boys who were bullied, and they finally brought a gun to school and tortured everyone.
I'm not going to go into details. But it's very descriptive. Gives me chills just thinking about it. It happened in 1998 at a school dance at Middletown high school in Springfield, Illinois.

As I'm reading the comments from the people the boys were going to kill, we land.
The pilot says something over the intercom, but it all sounds muffled and staticky.
We all get off the plain one by one, and go to get our baggage and get our rides. I immediately see Harry and Louis sitting on a bench in front of a poster of One direction. Fan girls getting autographs and pictures with them.
Lou waves to me and tells me to come over. I pull up the handle on my suitcase and begin walking across the lobby.
All these people are pushing me. It feels like I'm in the locker room.
"Ladies would you please let my little sister through the crowd?" Lou says with a smile on his face.
The girls make a path so I can get to him. He hugs me as soon as I get to him. I've missed him so much. "Hey Lou" I whisper. "Hey bri." He says back into my hair.
The boys say goodbye to the girls and they tell me how lucky I am to be the sister of Louis Tomlinson.
When I walk outside there's a limousine out front for us to ride in.
It's white, and shiny, and it's like 200 ft. Long (exaggerating but whatever)

We get inside and there's bottles of wine and a ton of flatscreen TV's.
Louis pours some strawberry wine in a glass and hands it to me. "Don't tell mom" he said and winked.
I wanted to say:
Like she would acknowledge what I was saying anyway...
But I kept my mouth closed.
We pulled up at an apartment complex and we went up to 1276W
In the elevator they had flowers and a man that pushed the buttons for you.
When we get on the floor, it's amazing. You can see the lobby from the balcony in the hall. It was so beautiful.
We went to the room and we sat down on the couch. Harry has a sore throat and can't talk, but he hugged me and wrote "Hey Beautiful" on a piece of paper.
I laugh at his childishness and lay down on the love seat.

I start eating some chips on the coffee table, and drink some tea.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked Louis

He points to the hall, so that's where I go.

And that's when it happened.
I ran into this boy.
He has big blue eyes and dark hair.
He apologizes and meets my eyes
We just look at each other for a moment
And then he says "are you going to move?"
That definitely snaps me out of it.
"Oh. Uhh sorry." I stutter.

Yep. Back to reality.
I see the most gorgeous guy in the world.
And yet
I always find a way to embarrass myself.
I love you if you actually read my story.
I swear.
-brianna and Ashleigh.

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