Chapter 1

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Dear Readers

This will be my 3rd and last MC Grim Reapers' book. So in this one there's more than one love story and more than only two characters' problems. I hope I've kept all the character names as it were in the previous books and that it doesn't get too complicated to keep everyone's story straight. You will notice that I took parts of the previous two books and put it in here to keep the story easier to read. As I worked on this book characters start to pop up and I knew I didn't want to work on a book for each character that's why I decided to make it one book with little snippets of each character's story. I still have some editing to do so please be patient with me.

Warning mature scenes, swearing, bullying, violence can definitely be found in this book. I do hope that Wattpad won't have a problem with this as my book seems tame if you look at other books' contents on Wattpad.

Blessed be


By mid-afternoon Reilly comes into the clinic with a big smile. "Hi, good afternoon, I was told that I could find Travis here at the clinic at Dr. Rob's." She immediately knows that this beautiful blonde must be Lily or The Lily in Travis' life and also his Achilles heel. "Afternoon Ma'am, I'm sorry Travis is not here today he...em... he had to run some errands. I'm not sure if he will be back here today. It will probably be best if you try find him at the garage where he works mostly or the clubhouse maybe." Mmm...that's why he didn't want her to come here." She smiles widely and whispers. "O sorry, I was told at the garage he was here watching over Lily and you are Lily if I'm right? I'm Reilly." Lily nods. "Yes I'm Lily glad to meet you Reilly, but he's really not here today." Reilly sighs. "O my goodness and he doesn't answer his phone, maybe he's on his bike." Lily picks up the phone and smiles at Reilly. "Let me try, just maybe he stopped somewhere and I can get hold of him. She dials his number and he immediately picks up. "Are you okay Lily?" She wants to smile but she keeps her cool she cannot show this woman what Razor's voice do to her insides. "I'm fine Travis, here's a Reilly who is looking for you. She was at the garage already and was send here." He sighs. "Okay I'm there in ten, it's almost time to go home in anyway." When she puts the phone down she looks at Reilly. "He's on his way, please you can sit in the waiting room he will see you when he comes in." Reilly nods. "Thank you I do appreciate your help." Lily smiles. "No problem Reilly." Reilly sits down in the waiting room and watches Lily while she logs off her computer and starts packing things away. The waiting room door slams open and Reilly sees how Lily almost faints. The man entering looks from her to Reilly and grins with malice. "Hello my lovely Lily, who is your friend here?" Lily knows if Reilly is Razor's girl she doesn't want Reilly in her fights. "She's waiting for the doctor Shaun, what are you doing here?" Reilly watches them and she sees the patch and knows this is rivals of The Shadow Reapers. The man laughs as if something is funny. The hair on Reilly's neck rises and she hastily types a message on her phone for Razor while the man's back is turned towards her. "Hell's Devil @ clinic help!" She pushes her phone in the pocket of her jeans after she had put it on silent and do pray that Travis gets here very fast. "My lovely Lily how can you ask such a question? Off course I came to pick you up. Let's go." Lily takes her bag and looks at Reilly with a smile. "Doctor will be right with you Miss." She walks to the door and feels Shaun looking at Reilly but she touches his arm and tries to steer him out of the door. In the foyer of the clinic all hell breaks loose. Razor is on Shaun the moment he steps out on the pavement. Shaun fights Razor off and runs for his bike with Razor in tow but he pulls of just before Razor can grab him. Razor turns around and looks at Lily. "Where is Reilly?" He got Reilly's text when he stopped a block away and felt his phone vibrated. "She's save inside the waiting room." He runs past Lily without another word and when she looks back she sees Reilly runs into his arms. That's all Lily needs to speed off towards home on foot. At Lily's house there's chaos when Razor parks his bike and walks into the house with Reilly in tow. Smokey greets her like a long lost sister and immediately tells the girls who she is. Razor looks like he could kill someone. "Where is she?" Mira knows he's talking about their Mom. "Didn't you dropped her at the gym?" He shakes his head and the thunderous look on his face tells them Lily gave him the slip. "Mom messaged us that she's going to the gym, we thought you will be there with her. "Fuck she's looking for trouble, Shaun showed up and almost got away with her a few minutes ago. Reilly you stay here with the girls, because not one of you should see when I give her a rundown tonight." He grabs his keys and is out the door. Mila laughs and winks her eyes at Mira before she looks at Smokey. "Mom is in for real trouble tonight isn't she? You don't think he will hit her?" Smokey chuckles. "Razor? Never not in like abusing her if that's what you mean, you can ask Reilly, but maybe it's time he and your Mom blow of some steam. There's an awful lot of tension in this house when both of them are here. He should just her already and get it over with." They all know what he wanted to say and they laugh while Reilly shakes her head and turns to the kitchen, she better takes charge before Smokey fucks everything up with his big mouth. "Well I think we should start with dinner girls, not everybody can live of love and cold water." That brings along heaps of laughter and they all help with dinner, while Smokey let Grim knows about Shaun and the situation as Reilly told it to him a few moments ago.

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