Chapter 7

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Razor sits back in his chair when Sneak enters late afternoon but unfortunately the other guys are still around. Razor just looks at him without showing the anger that's boiling up. "You know I always thought you're a decent kind of guy. Can I tell you about my afternoon? Don't worry I'm going to tell you in anyway." Sneak gulps guiltily and he knows he's in deep shit today. Hopefully he can get out with his body intact. "A certain young man came to me to ask my permission to ask my young daughter out. He explained how he respect her, me, Lily and his own Mother. He said he never wants to be the reason his Mom, me, Lily or Malika hang our heads in shame because of something that he did. He told me he cared a lot about Malika even if I think he is too young to have that kind of feelings and that although he can't promise me he will not hold her hand or kiss her if he had a chance he will not push her into anything sexual. Do you know what that meant to me? I don't think you have the faintest idea." He takes the laptop in front of him and waits for the video footage from his home to load. His voice is normal when he starts to talk and the more he talks the louder his voice becomes. He is livid and Sneak really wants to run and never look back. Outside in the garage Smokey and Gunner rolls down the double doors as to keep the shouting from getting out. "Tell me how can a sixteen-year-old boy have the guts to tell me to my face how he feels about my daughter but a grown man doesn't have the decency to come and talk to me but rather fuck her up against my garage wall where anybody can see them and the cameras at my house can catch him in the act." He turns the laptop so Sneak can see the footage but he keeps the sound of. "You can be glad Lily didn't see that video footage. Sh's maybe small but she will kick your fucking ass. What did you think? No don't say anything I know you didn't think with the few brain cells you have, you thought with your fucking dick. I should just fucking shoot you in that chair and get it over with." Sneak looks at Razor. "I'm really sorry Razor I...I can't think when I'm with Mira, she turns me inside out. I didn't want things to get so out of hand and I know it doesn't look like it but I have great respect for you and Mira too. Everything just escalated when we were together for such long periods when Lily was kidnapped and I was on her watch the whole time. I fell in love with her and I want to get crazy when I think about her with any other man. I'm an ass and a coward but I saw how you treated Wolf and how you two fought about Reilly and I didn't want Mira to worry about me if you and I fight. Even if I don't say anything she will know, she's really good at knowing my mood, my thoughts and feelings. I promise I'll step back if that's what you want but just know that it's going to cost me my membership in this club. Grim will never tolerate me here if it doesn't suit you to see me around every day...but it will also cost you a great deal more. It will cost you Mira...because she will as sure as hell walk away from you and Lily. She will hate you for interfering and she will think me a coward if I step back and leave her here so that's the last thing I will do. I will leave the club if that's the only way to have Mira, believe me Razor if I walk away here I'll take Mira with me." Razor waited for Sneak to lay the blame before Mira's door but he's just telling him how he feels about her and that he would take her with him. "Strangely enough Sneak I know that Mira isn't the innocent little girl that Lily or me believed her to be. I know she's the one to initiate the whole thing the other night." He rewinds the video and puts the volume up. It's the camera at the side of the house and you can hear every word that's being said. "Come on Sneak, I'm no virgin you know that, please I need you, just a quick one or should I slip out tonight and get me someone who's willing to fuck me? You said you love me so show me how much you love me." You can see Sneak's dejected face when he takes her in his arms. "Fuck Mira you know I love you but if Razor catches us he'll kill me, we are out in the open here and this is not how I want to make love to you again. It's always just a quick fuck and then it's over. The other thing is I don't have a condom with me, we can't do this unprotected your injection isn't working yet. You know what the nurse at the clinic said we have to abstain or use condoms until next month at least if we want to be save." She looks at him and starts to undo her shirt and he gulps and shakes his head. "Mira please stop it, please think about the shit show when we're caught." The next thing she starts to touch herself and he loses the battle when he pushes her up against the wall. Razor shuts the laptop with a thud. "You could have put the blame on her Sneak but you didn't...why?" Sneak shakes his head. "I'm sorry Razor I love her and I won't put the blame on her. I'm the adult here and I was supposed to handle the situation but I preferred to fuck her without your permission or a condom at least." Razor grabs Sneak over the desk and plants his fist right in his face. The blood is oozing out of his nose but Sneak doesn't even try to defend himself or punch Razor when Razor throws him back in the chair opens the door and grabs Tequila who has arrived and looks through the glass cubicle at the whole thing. He's pushed into a chair and Razor gets the video footage where Tequila and Mila are kissing and thumbling to get out of their clothes inside the garage. "Do I have to say anything more?" Tequila looks guilty and shakes his head. "I promise nothing happened I stopped everything and explained to her we can't do that since she's still in school and well I don't want things to happen for us like that. That's the truth Razor really, I'm not lying to you. All the other times we were alone I did kiss her and make-out with her a bit but we never went that far. I did help her to get dressed and we went back to the party since I said we should rather stay with company if we want to keep it save." Razor looks at him but doesn't say a thing when they suddenly hears voices. Mila and Mira enters with Rooster through the small door at the back of the garage's workroom. Razor opens the door and waves them in. "Come in and sit. Thank you guys I will lock up you can all go home." They nod and shout greetings as they file out the back door. Mira looks at Sneak and he shakes his head at her when she wants to turn to Razor in anger. She looks at him again and he gives her a look then he looks at the chair and then he puts his finger to his lips. That makes her sit down and she doesn't say anything. Razor turns back to them and looks at Mila's guilty face. "Listen and hear me well girls. I've asked you if you want me to marry your Mother and you both told me it is perfectly alright with you. Then you came to me and said you would like to call me Dad and I wanted to adopt you and you said yes. So now I have a problem. When I told you there will be rules in the house you were fine with it. I explained about boyfriends and everything and you were fine with that too. So now I want to know why I had to get an eye full when I watched the video footage of Malika's birthday party. Mila you should know that you can thank your lucky stars that Tequila kept his hormones a bit in check and stopped things before it went to far. You owe him for doing the right thing. You two better rather keep in other people's company in future since you didn't already go all the way. If I ever see such footage again, or hear from someone that they caught you in the act I will beat his ass to pulp. I know you turned eighteen but you are still in school. You wanted to study and he is still only a prospect in the club doing odd jobs and receiving a small pay. When you're out of the school and you two want to properly date it's fine with me but please use protection and don't fuck up your futures with babies yet. Meanwhile a kiss or holding hands will have to do but I don't want to see a lot of PDA when I'm in the room with you. I'm not going to say anything more about it, just that I will have to tell this to your Mother because she will want to know why you're grounded for a month. Tequila you better take her home now and make sure she's save inside. Don't make me regret my decision to trust you with her. I'll see you at church tomorrow. Now..." Tequila opens the door for Mila and she slips out with him. Outside they look at each other. "You must never even tell your twin that we already did have sex. She's so mad now she's going to tell Razor the moment she knows. We better behave." She smiles and takes his hand while they walk to his bike. "Thanks Tequila, I thought he knew about the other times. He did beat Sneak quite badly. I forgot about the cameras, I'm sorry. We should keep it cool for a bit if we don't want to get into a lot more trouble with Mom and Razor. I just wonder what's going to happen to Sneak and Mira. Do you think he saw them ... um ..." Tequila grins. "Yip he saw Sneak fucking her up the wall near the garage the other night. Fuck I'm one lucky bastard tonight. Let me get somewhere to park quickly so we can at least make-out a bit before you're grounded." She giggles and a while later near the creek they almost forget about the promise of retaliation if they don't behave. Just almost. Ten minutes later he takes her hand and walks to her door where he gives her a chaste kiss at her door and makes sure she's save inside before he gets on his bike and goes to the club for a stiff drink.

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