Chapter 4

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Reilly is deep in thought when she watches all the kids play and she looks longingly at them. Maybe one day she'll be able to have a kid of her own. Neil who is watching her comes and sits in the chair next to her. "Are you enjoying the party?" She gives a soft smile. "Yeah, it's good to just sit back after a week like the past one. We had so many difficult clients and I had a huge tatt that took me a while to do the design for." Neil squeezes her arm. "Well relax and enjoy the afternoon while you can." He saunters off to the other men in the pool. She looks up when she hears the men laugh and sees that they have two teams in the water with the kids and they are going to play volleyball. As Wolf turns his back to the others Gammon stops him to look at his tatt. "Did you get yourself some new ink and we didn't know it?" Wolf laughs. "I'm not the exhibitionist you take me for. You just never see my tatts because I always wear my shirt. Little Red did this Wolf tatt on my back way back when. I was her first client when she started tattooing and not just designing anymore. It was the biggest one she did and it actually was for a competition, that she by the way won that year." Everyone turns to Reilly and smirk. "So she won the competition with your body...mmm... how many sessions did you two had to finish this one?"" They all laugh and she just looks away but Wolf doesn't worry about keeping things secret anymore. "Mmm...I think six sessions over about three months if I remember correctly." Gammon shakes his head and points at the newer tatt. "But this part here is new isn't it?" Wolf looks at Reilly and grins much to Razor's annoyance. "Yip, Ink did the second part about two weeks ago for me." That says more than any cut or words and the other know that Wolf has made his choice by having her face on his back. Rooster laughs and looks at Reilly. "So Reilly do you have any tatts on your body? Come on Wolf you should be able to tell us." Wolf and Reilly laugh but it's Wolf who answers. "She actually has her back but it was done many years ago when she didn't know any better." Cecelia looks at Reilly and she knows it's a tatt that Reilly doesn't want to show off yet so she looks at Amber and winks. If things get worst, they will do something to save Reilly that's for sure. "I can't believe a tattoo artist only has one tatt on her body. It's a shame Reilly." Reilly sticks her tongue out at Sneak and laughs. "I can't help it if I don't have the time to sit down for a tatt okay. It takes time to decide on a tatt and more time to design it and to get it done, you guys should know." Grim starts the game and everyone forgets about Reilly and her secret tattoo. When she goes and sits with the other women Deana gives her a drink. "Are that tatt a secret Reilly? I assume Wolf knows how it looks." Reilly nods and sighs. "Yeah he knows and he almost flipped when he saw it years ago. I had it done when I was still in school... and to tell you the truth I don't regret it one bit." Chelsy grins. "So why did Wolf almost flipped when he saw it? Or is it something you don't want to talk about?" Reilly gets up and turns her back to them then lifts her shirt up over her back and there's a collective gasp when they see it. She pulls her shirt back down and sits down again looking at them. Amber is the first to get herself together. "You didn't know at that time that it's just when you become an old lady that you wear your man's name so openly on yourself?" Reilly shakes her head. "No and he wasn't in the club then. Old Reaper was still President and Wolf, Grim and Brick was just enlisted. I loved the picture and since he was my boyfriend and the others called him Wolf and he so ironically called me Little Red I thought it appropriate and decided to surprise him when he comes back. And wasn't it a surprise? If he could he would have throttled me." They all laugh. "Then he came to me for a tatt after I was qualified and he said that exact picture is what he wants on his back. My boss entered me into the competition and I won the title of Tattoo Rookie of the year in Vegas." Lily smiles and nods in Wolfs direction. "But I bet that second piece of his tatt floored you a bit didn't it?" Reilly has a strange look on her face for a moment before she answers. "Yeah I couldn't believe it. You know I haven't even see it the night I came back from L.A. when" They all burst out laughing and the men wonders what is so funny. Amber waves with her hand. "Yeah we got the picture, but hey you haven't seen each other for almost a week and a half, so if you didn't notice it that night you're forgiven. Just tell us when did you see it for the first time then?" Reilly blushes. "The morning we got dressed for Lily and Razor's wedding." Now they laugh more and Lily shakes her head. "I bet you were surprised?" Reilly shakes her head and looks a bit miserable. "No I was pissed with him because first I see the tatt and obviously he is trying to tell me something and then he holds the cut out to me. I didn't see the back yet and I was pissed beyond believe. I thought he hadn't even asked me to be his old lady yet but he has the audacity to just shoves a cut into my hands and show me his new tatt clearly stating I'm his. It all seemed so fucked-up because I said we should wait with all that because I'm not going to piss Razor off on his wedding day or make such an announcement yet. I told him weeks before I'm not ready to be an old lady or for that matter I won't ever be ready to be anyone's old lady." Amber sits forward. "Why do you say that? You two are obviously in love for years and you're wasting precious time. Why not just move in together, I mean even Razor looks like he made peace with you two being together?" Reilly looks really sad suddenly. "I...I have a past and if Wolf finds out about that he will not want me one bit. He'll hate me for it and I really don't know how to get pass that obstacle." Lily takes Reilly's hand in hers. "Reilly we all have a past, there's not one of us here who can truly say we walked a clean easy path until here. We've all done stupid and dangerous things or lied about things in our life's. Wolf is so smitten with you and if he's still with you after so many years and tattooing your face on his back, then it must mean he's in for the long haul. Why not just tell him and let him know how you regret whatever is in your past? Give him the benefit of the doubt. You can't say for certain how he will react. Can I tell you something...something I have never told anybody not even my own daughters? I've killed a man many years ago when he raped my Grandma and left her for dead. I went to his house and I made him drunk, then burnt him alive. I don't regret that and if it makes me a bad person then so be it but he will never ever get a chance to hurt anybody and for that I'm glad. When I told Razor he looked at me and said; Good for you. I thought he will think of me as evil and leave me but he stayed and hold me tight." There's a few tears and nods and Reilly knows Lily is correct, she has to tell Wolf. So when he drops her at her house that night she asks him to come inside and he gives her a cheeky grin. "Did you think I would sleep at any other place than here Little Red?" Her serious face tells him something is wrong and when they are inside she lets him sit on the couch while she walks up and down. "There's something that I need to tell you. I want you to just listen until I'm finish with my story, if you want to leave after that I'll understand. I won't hold it against you if you can't forgive me or if you think less of me after I told you about my past. I need to do this or else I will never be able to move on." Wolf pats the couch next to him. "I want you to sit down and give me your hand and then you can tell me anything under the sun. Nothing that you'll tell me will make me hate you or think less of you or bail on you. We all have a past Little Red. We've all done some bad things and made terrible choices, we are only human after all." She feels teary already and sits down next to Wolf while he takes her hand. "Okay here goes nothing. As you know I was seventeen when you and I first started sleeping together. My Mom hired a PI to watch my every move but I didn't know it at that time. You went abroad and I wrote to you guys every week. It was the one good thing that I loved to do because when I received the letters back I knew you guys were all still alive and well. You came back for Christmas and I was elated. You know we slipped out each night to make love in your apartment, well eight weeks after you left I found out I was pregnant. I was terribly scared but also over the moon. I wrote you a letter telling you about it and as always left it with the rest of the post that would go out the next morning. Somehow my Mother found out I was pregnant and confronted me. Told me how useless piece of garbage I am and how I'm going to shame my Dad and Brother's names with my whoring. I felt so bad and I cried a lot but she just took me out of school and send me to live in Arkansas with a friend of hers where I got private tutoring from the catholic school nearby. I had the baby and as soon as it was born it was taken away and I was send back to L.A. I was told it was a boy and that there was a couple who adopted him immediately. I was heartbroken and my Mom then send me to the finishing school for my last year. I didn't receive any letter from you again. I assumed you didn't want anything to do with me anymore. My Mom told me to never contact you again or my Dad and Brother's would hear about my whoring and that Razor would definitely will kill you. I listened until I decided to leave L.A. for good. That was when I asked you for the loan because I couldn't tell my Mom where I was going and for what. I didn't know who else to ask and I heard you're back and everything. When you visited me that first time in Vegas my heart broke into pieces every time I thought about our baby. That few months with you was bliss. I wanted to tell you and then my Mom found me and said she will tell Razor about you if I don't leave you and start dating Juan. She knew Razor will try to kill you, she's not that ignorant to the club business as what she wants us to think. So when I couldn't take it any longer I bailed again and came here. I decided this time would be my last time to run because I'm going to tell you and Razor. Unfortunately, Neil found out and well he found my letters to you and some of your guys' letters to me in my Mom's study. He found the photo's and reports from the PI too as well as some legal documents about the birth and adoption of our child. That documents I haven't seen yet since he kept it and said we can talk about that when I talked to you and Razor." Wolf sits very still and quiet just looking at her and holding her hand while tears are running down his cheeks. He already knows most of the story but when Neil told him they decided to wait and see if Reilly will tell Wolf. So he pulls her into his arms and they sit there and cry until they both feel a bit calmer. When he pushes her away from him he gets up and she fears he's going to leave, but he grabs her hand and pulls her with him to the bathroom. He turns on the bath taps, then strips them both, put her hair up with a clip before he pulls her into the bath making her sit between his legs. "I want you to relax Little Red. We're going to take a bath and go to bed and actually sleep. Tomorrow we'll go together to tell Razor and then we'll decide what we're going to do about your Mother's deviousness." Later when they lie in bed he kisses her deeply. "Little Red...Reilly baby...I am extremely mad but not at you. You've done the only thing you know that would keep your Mother from ruining more life's and for that I can not fault you. I still love you and I want you just as bad as always. You're mine Little Red and I want you to be my old lady and I won't take no for an answer." She looks up and over her shoulder and when she kisses his jaw he turns her around and makes her straddle him. She looks deeply into his eyes. "I love you Wolf and I would be honored to be your old lady." That seals the deal for him and after a quick bath he has her in the bed in his arms. It's not long before he hears her slight snores. He can't sleep, he's thinking about their child somewhere out there. He would do everything in his power to find out where he is and he will make sure the parents are decent human beings, then he can maybe let it rest...just maybe.

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