Chapter 1- On The Island

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Quick note, if I spelled a name wrong, comment please! And FYI, I have not seen the new season yet, so sorry I don't have any of them. I shall add them in the next book when I have watched that season.And also, if it has ~ in front of it, it means it is a confessional. Thanks!


I sat next to my sister, Lilly, as we flew to the island in a helicopter. A million bucks would help a lot with our.... family issues. I looked over at the 3 other contestants in the vehicle. I took notice that me and Lilly were the only girls on the chopper. "So, I guess we are all the new contestants?" said a blonde haired boy with a beach kind of look. He was kinda cute, but I shrugged it off and looked away from his ocean blue eyes. "I guess so," I said, messing with my braid. "Ugh, we've been on this plane for like, ever," said a brown haired boy with a skater look. "Well then, have no fear, cause we've just arrived," said Chef from the front. Chef opened up the doors and unstrapped us from our seats. "Alright everybody, line up!" he said, not giving us a chance to put on our parachutes. "Alright, so here's how this is gonna work. I'm going to push y'all off of the helicopter, ok?" "Wait, what?!" said a dark-skinned boy. "Here we go!" Chef said as he booted the boy off of the helicopter. "Ahhhhh!" he screamed as he plummeted towards the water. I heard Chris from down below faintly yell the name "Derek". "Um, ladies first," said the skater boy as Chef pushed off Lilly. "Hey, what the- AHHHHHH!" I heard her scream as Chris said her name. I then felt a push as I started plummeting towards the water. "Alexandra!" Chris yelled as I fell towards the blue waves. "No no no no no no no no!" I yelled before I hit the water. Sploosh! I swam up to the surface, knowing there were probably sharks or octopus or serpents in the water. I swam over to the beach and sat on the shore, coughing up water. "Brian!" Chris yelled as I watched Chef push off the blonde. "And Kevin!" Chris said as skater boy was pushed out. "And now, some good old contestants that are fan favorites!" Chris yelled.

I didn't pay attention to Chris, but I watched as contestants pored out of the copter. Let's see, there's Mike, Dawn, Scott, Brick, Noah, Duncan, Courtney, Gwen, Cody, DJ and Alejandro, I thought as I watched them hit the water. I laughed at Alejandro as he screamed about his hair getting tangled. I then looked at mt hair. The braid had fallen apart, and my hair was a tangled mop. So much for mom's fishtail. I wrung out my hair and put my scrunchie on my wrist as I watched contestants swim to shore.

"Hellooooooo campers!" Chris said in his obnoxious voice. I heard Lilly grunt in disgust. "Welcome to Beach Wawanakwa, where the sand is sparkling and the ocean glimmering! Obviously you all know the rules of Total Drama, and shall know the torture and torment ahead! So get your butts of the ground and stand up so I can easily assign teams, thank you!" I stood along with everyone around me. "Soooo, since we have some new contestants this year, I will put them on teams last," he said. We all groaned in misery. It's very anticipating not knowing your team. "The first team will have Courtney, Noah, Gwen, Cody and Scott, who will be the Fishing Finches!" They all grouped together. "And the other team will have Mike, Alejandro, DJ, Dawn and Brick, who will be the Surfing Salmon!" They all grouped together. "Now, here is a little twist. To choose your other teammates, you must rescue them from a tank underwater. You must dive off of the cliff to get to the tank, and search through all of the keys to find the right one. Good luck everyone, and meet at the top of the cliff at noon!" Chris yelled as the teams ran off. "Wait, so we are going to be trapped in a tank underwater!" Lilly exclaimed. "Pretty much. Now go get into your bathing suits and meet at the bottom of the cliff in 5!" Chris said, driving off in his jeep.

~ (Alex) I feel really bad for Lilly. She hates the thought of being trapped underwater. I hope she'll be ok ~

~ (Lilly) I have to go underwater?! In a tank?! Oh god no..... (faints) ~


I opened my eyes and noticed I was tied up and surrounded by glass and the 4 other newbies. I then realized the challenge to win teammates had started. I gulped.

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