chapter 4, a nightmare of a libary

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nightmare's pov

i walked to the libary where swad directed me,
i suddenly felt joy as i saw the libary i went
inside and got some books from the book shelfs
an hour passed and then i heared a voice call me.
darling~! come here to the dining room!

swad's pov

i call to my darling from the libary
and shortly see him come to the dining
room as he sits down i hand him his place
as normal, i watch him eat and enjoy
seeing him. after he eats i pick up his plate and wash it
hmm? why is just standing there waiting..? oh. i forgot
he prob doesn't know where to sleep doesn't he.

nightmare's pov

i waited for swad to finish washing the dishes
so he can direct me to where i can sleep.
isn't he dumbass for not remembering?
oh well he's finally done. darling~
im afraid we only have one bedroom
so you'll be sleeping with me~
WITH YOU?!, i think ill just sleep on the
couch instead..? swad grabbed me
as soon as i finished that sentence
awhh darling pleasee..?~ he teased
fine i guess. swad was happy
after that. sigh. i guess i have
to sleep with an annoying birb for the whole night.

no ones pov

nightmare and swad walk to the bedroom,
nghtmare was still annoyed still, very annoyed.
awhh darling why are still mad at me~? swad
said. nightmare just ignored swad.

nootmares pov :

me and swad lay in bed tho i ask myself
why did i have to be in this position,
why couldn't this be a dream i sighed
at the thought of it. huh..? why do i feel something
on my waist.? i look down to see it was swads
f__king arms around me holding me very close to him
what the actual f__k is he doing?! i thought,
but i should just ignore it and - y a w n- fall asleep

                             T I M E S K I P

s w a d 's pov

as i woke up i realised how cute my darling
looks when he's sleeping~ i look to notice
how my arms are wraped around him
when we both were asleep. i should prepare breakfest
for the both of us, i went outside into the kitchen,
hmm what should i make..? i think pancakes should be good
i grab some flour,eggs,sugar,and pancake batter and
then start baking.

I KNOW =) )

nightmare's pov

i wake up in swad's bed and see that he's now
gone. he prob went to go make breakfest,
well might as well go to the dining room
i walk to the dining room, to see he is making pancakes,
i went behind him to see what he placed in there just in case
if he tried to drug me, he placed flour, sugar, eg- wait eggs?
isn't that a bit of canibalisim..? i mean if he is a birb?
sigh. i should let that go i guess, i went to the table and sat at one
of the chairs, swad turned around and noticed me sitting
oh darling your awake already~?, yea..? - a few minutes later -
he handed me a plate of pancakes and started eating.

( A/N your welcome reader =) )

553 words oh wow
as again you may ask any question you would like
and ill t r y to answer them ill be making more
chapters soon for you to read =)

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