chapter 5, bitter poison..?

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( A/N, there is some lemon in here for you sinners
dont mind if its a bit cringy 0v0 )

swad's pov
as normal i wash dishes, afterwards
i go to my study room, i started working
a bit and then i started thinking..
what if i have some fun with my
darling. oh how much fun it will
be~ but how will i do that..

nightmare's pov

i walked to the libary and then started reading
books as normal. i thought of swad,
i mean he is kinda cute i guess..?
NO what am i thinking!?, he is just a stupid birb of positivity
i shouldn't like that. i shook off the thought
and continued reading.

                           time skip

                                            ( A/N im to lazy to even write
                                               what time it is so dont mind the time skips pls )

swad's pov

i notice how i had some " pills " i looked at one of them,
aphrodisiac pills.. hmm maybe i should
try using some of that and its already dinner time..
i went over to the kitchen and crushed some of the pills
i made some food and sprinkled it on the food i called for darling
as he came down as normal to the dining room.

nightmare's pov

dinner time i guess i went over to the dining table
where swad was i sat down as swad handed me
the plate of food, i noticed how he was looking at me,
i shrugged it off and started eating.

after i ate i starting feeling weird..?
what i-i-is this feeling..?

259 words not longer than the last one sad.
and yes i caught you on a cliffhanger
btw ill be making 2 chapters at a time
so you keep busy =)

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