not a chapter OR MAYBE ;>

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( dont ask about the short story i was bored )

nightmare : cross tf did you do.

cross : but boss i didn't do anything.?

nightmare : explain why is there an entire hole in the wall
with your sword in it.

cross : thats wasn't me,

nightmare : what do you mean it wasn't you

cross : it means it wasn't me..?

nightmare : your a f_cking idiot arn't you.

( i said maybe didn't i and it did happen just scroll
down and theres your chapter yw )

( the achual chapter 11, the wedding )

swad's pov

aren't you exited darling~? but isn't that too soon..?
hmm.. maybe but still us getting married ehe~
oh how lovely that will be i smiled warmly at
nightmare my soon to be waifu,

( A/N why did i add this or was i just bored
" w a i f u " )

nightmare's pov

tommorow..? hmm but what will i wear.?
i asked swad, oh about that darling
i have everything you need~, ok then,
so wait do you achually mean that or are you joking.?
nope, im not~ ,well alright then i said nervously

- time skip :) -

s w a d 's pov

ah its already tommorow our wedding day i chuckle
i look to my side and i dont see nightmare, hmm darling
where are you~? i heard a voice come from the closet
and walked in and saw darling baffled into what to wear,
i laughed at him a bit but he just got embarresd,
how cute~ tho i must get ready as well.

no one's pov

swad and nightmare got ready and
went to a random au,
swad lead nightmare to,a beatiful place, nightmare was very amazed
then swad pulled out a ring as soon as nightmare turned
around and asked, will your marry me..?, nightmare of course said
yes,(and then they live happily ever after and shit )

( A/N, ah yes this is the end of the book but do not fear
my lovely readers i will be making more )

346 words :)

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