this was chaos XD

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A | azure's oc

K | Mp's oc

Warning!!: this is pure chaos we just wanted to get out ideas down-azure

Yeaaaaa this is why I don't write at 1 am-MP

N and Uzi were walking around the tower of corpses trying to see if there were parts to fix the ship and N was holding the parts. Today was very boring. N noticed something in the sky. "Hey Uzi what's that?" Uzi panicked "N GET DOWN!" n and Uzi hid behind a rock and a landing pod crashed into the ground.

Uzi and N looked over the rock and saw the landing pod open, Uzi looked terrified. A murder drone stepped out with an X on their face "N?" uzi's voice was shaky "u-uzi don't worry I got this" N started to get up and heard a voice "you there!" N turned around to face the new murder drone and they said "Are you N?" N nodded nervously "'re really cute!" the murder drones face went normal and they said "I'm A! Nice to meetcha!" Uzi stood up and caught the attention of A "and you must be...." Uzi looked surprised. "Um, I'm Uzi." A smiled "Nice to meetcha! I was sent here to replace J but my systems don't really need oil anyway. Just once in a blue moon" A walked towards N "plus it would be worth it to see you every day" N blushed a little by how close A was getting.

Uzi walked up to the two "you two going to kiss or what?" V pretended to gag, "you two are so gross" A smiled more "and YOU must be V! I have heard a lot about you!" A looked Irritated by the look of V. There was another voice closing in "WEEEEE-" The drone crashed into the corpses causing N and Uzi to flinch in surprise. A stayed the same "oh that's just K" K then walked out on all fours. Carrying a torso in her mouth A groaned "k get the fuck up". Uzi and N shared a look 'what the fuck is going on?!' A looked at K and knelt down to grab the back of her shirt. He lifted her and K still had the torso in her mouth curled up a bit being lifted from the ground. "K- Spit it out" K glared at A. A tore the torso and threw it away to the side, dropping K as well who just hissed and backward crawled back into the pile of corpses still having a glare. "She is one weird drone." Uzi and N backed away slowly and A said "I'm so sorry about her, she's....special..." Uzi and N nodded slowly "mhm, N I'll talk and you R U N" Uzi whispered the last part. "Uhh, so, what do we do now?"

A said "well K has....her....pile of drones, I need to go and grab one. N! Want to come with?" N nodded and turned to uzi "you going to be alright?" Uzi smiled and nodded "oh you'll be fine," A's happy joyful face turned to horror and fear "just don't look K in the eyes-" "I ate his arm!" "she did" A's face turned joyful once again "bye~!"

-----time skip------

A and N flew around scoping the area, N happened to look over and see that A had multicolored eyes "you have pretty eyes" A looked surprised "o-oh, thanks N, it was a faulty programing that made my eyes yellow and purple" N smiled more "you know my favorite color is purple" A's face turned to a soft blushed "r-really?!"

K was around Uzi and was about to try to attack but uzi used her railgun and the blast went upwards in the sky and N and A saw that. N and A flew over and saw K's torso falling then it hit some stuff when it was falling from the sky and K landed into some snow and regenerated her head back and a reboot Message popped up and Uzi walked up with a Rock about to Bash in K's Viser. A ran up to Uzi taking the rock away from her " Uzi what the hell happened " A said holding the rock. A ended up holding uzi by the arms to stop her K then sat back up her viser eyes were Light blue now not Yellow " what the fuck did I wake up to" N just stood there Waving his hand "Uzi almost KILLED you!" K looked surprised. "Eh not the first time but how in the FUCK did she almost do that?! I bit your ARM off one time!" A shrugged still holding a pissed Uzi. "okay what the hell is going on?" K stood up "random stuff." Uzi hissed in pain as she broke free from his grasp "dude! Your hands are boiling hot! And not the romantic type of hot" K then threw snow at A "A go back to the landing pod where there's some Oil in the Canersers there! " K said like she knew what the hell to do. A nodded and walked off seeming to be kind of tired. "Oh is he overheating?" K nodded "and when he is hungry AND overheating he's more violent than V" the talking was interrupted by a loud snore. Everyone looked over and V was asleep on the ground still tied up they all blinked in unison "well, that's where she has been"

A little later A came back still looking tired "did you find em A?" K asked smiling, A smiled and nodded but his visor seemed to shut off and he started to fall forward, N rushed to catch him before he fell to the ground. "Has he done this before?" N asked K who was sitting down K nodded "yes and it took about 1 hour for the oil to cool down his system. He's fine and I'm going to get some snow. I'm hungry" N looked down at A then sat down and put A's head on his lap. "Well, I'll just put him here until he turns back on" V woke up and saw the sight and looked at the two grossed out "ew. love"

Woke up an hour later to see N and blushed like crazy. N smiled sweetly and tilted his head a little, closing his eyes. A blushed more " Morning Sleeping beauty you passed out again and N wanted to stay with you" A blushed more K was reading the news on her phone ( That somehow worked lol). A looked at N and covered his face a muffled scream could be heard as he curled up. N started to laugh. "Aww doesn't be so shy!" then K looked at Uzi who entered the room and both of them Smile. They knew everything was going to be okay.

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