19. Something to fight for

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"Sorry, princess, really!" he hugged her across the waist, looking at her guiltily in the mirror. Nabi shook her head and sighed. Her throat ached terribly and she couldn't speak. Her body wasn't better.
Jungkook refused to go to work because guilt was eating him up and insisted that he should be there for her if she needed anything.He wouldn't even let her walk, but carried her to the bathroom and now held her in case her legs refused to obey her commands.
She rested her head on his shoulder with a slight sigh. He was so sweet when he worried about her. His doe eyes gleamed anxiously, his hands rubbing gently over her body, making sure she was okay.
She turned and wanted to go back to the bedroom, but he picked her up and carried her to the bed. God! He felt disabled. He picked up his phone and opened the notes. "You have to go to work!" she wrote and handed it to him. "I'm staying with you, I'll work from home." Jungkook shook his head and his lips pursed.
She pulled the phone. "Jungkook, I'm fine, besides, I can walk and alone, and you have responsibilities!" she showed him what she had written. "Namjoon Hyung will take over my job." he shook his head.
"I'll call Ae Ri!" she wrote vigorously, and he made a horrified face. "Only if you want to kill me!" he muttered. "That's why you have to go to work, I need you alive!" she threatened him.
"Honey, look, I can't leave you like this," he pleaded. She started writing again. "Bunny, I'm really fine, I'll just stay in bed and you'll get home early. I promise I won't move a finger when you get home," she smiled, handing him the phone.
"Baby, I don't know ..." Jungkook thought, he didn't want to leave her. "Bunny, it's only for a few hours, besides, it's not right for you to be away because of me, it makes me feel bad!" she handed him the phone and nodded with a grin.
"You promise not to get up?" Jungkook asked uncertainly, and she nodded. "Okay, your will, but I'll be home soon!" he raised his hands resignedly.
Nabi nodded with a smile and leaned back on the pillow. He changed quickly, but when he reached the door, he thought again. "Nabi, after all ..." she pointed sharply at the door and he left.

Damn it! Jungkook opened the lid, pulled out the familiar white pearl and card.
Damn it! Jungkook opened the lid, pulled out the familiar white pearl and card. He called his secretary, and when she showed up, he ordered her to call Namjoon and the CFO.Miss Lee came out and he opened the card.
"Her next bruises will be from the passion that my cock will make her experience!"
His heart sank, they watched them !!! He raised his head sharply as the CFO came in, followed by Namjoon.
Jungkook put the card away, closed the box, dropped the pearl in the drawer of his desk, and the other two motioned for them to sit down.
Jungkook put the card away, closed the box, dropped the pearl in the drawer of his desk, and the other two motioned for them to sit down.
He quickly explained to the director what he wanted from him, trusting Nabi's proposal and releasing him.
When they were alone, Jungkook handed the card to Namjoon. "This is the third, Hyung!" he said angrily, running a hand over his face.
Namjoon read it and looked at him questioningly. "Bruises?" his eyebrows jumped high. "We went a little too far last night," Jungkook explained. "But she's fine," he hastened to add.
"What are you going to do?" Namjoon looked at him sluggishly and read the card again. "I don't know, I'll make sure the apartment is clean first. Then I have no idea."Jungkook nervously tugged at the collar of his shirt.
"I put her on guard, so did Ae Ri and the others." Namjoon looked at him in surprise. "Just in case," Jungkook explained. "What else can I do?" He sighed desperately.
"Jungkook, why don't you come to us for a while until we find out who he is and catch him?" suggested Namjoon."Hyung, I assure you you don't want us around you when Nabi ..." He paused, blushed, and bowed his head in embarrassment.
"Enough, you're hardly that bad," Namjoon laughed. "Her bruises are out of my hands, Hyung, I have no idea when or how." said Jungkook.
Namjoon circled. "What have you done to her, for God's sake!" he gasped. "Look ... she ... we ... she's driving me crazy, for God's sake, I can't control myself!" Jungkook shot out the words, trying to justify himself.
Namjoon stared at him with his mouth open. He could only guess where Jungkook's "madness" could go and what exactly he meant.
"Let's assume we're pretty noisy," Jungkook tried to deflect the subject. "I'm wondering if I should ask Jimin to start researching the matter." Jungkook looked at him.
"You should have done that with the second box, Jungkook," Namjoon snapped. "Will you wait for your girl to be killed?" he shook his head in frustration.
"Jungkook, I know you're not used to thinking that, but Nabi's life is entirely up to you right now." Namjoon began more calmly. "I also know we haven't been that way for a long time, but it's time to break the chains," he folded his arms. "Jimin will take care of the boxes, and you and Jin will go downstairs." Jungkook nodded.
"And be careful," Namjoon warned him.Jungkook nodded again. They hadn't mingled with the underworld any time soon, and besides Nabi, he didn't miss him at all.
He hadn't picked up a weapon in months. In fact, he preferred fists, close combat was his specialty.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone. He looked at who was ringing. Nabi? He picked it up immediately. "Honey?" he began gently. "Mmmm, is that what you call her?" an unfamiliar voice asked.
His blood froze, his heart pounded, and terror gripped his chest. He jumped to his feet, startling Namjoon.
"Who are you, where's Nabi?" Jungkook growled. But he received only low laughter in return. "Where the hell is Nabi, you bastard!" roared Jungkook, almost sprinting toward the door.
"She's so cute from so close." moaned the voice "And these bruises, what a beauty!" the man purred. "Don't you dare touch her!" Jungkook stomped in one place, cursing the slow elevator.
"Late Jeon, very late. But I'll know you don't like to share ..." the man laughed hysterically and interrupted the conversation. Jungkook stared at the phone in disbelief.
"Nabi !!! He's with Nabi" Jungkook whispered as he ran to his car. "Lord, don't let anything happen to her!" he prayed.
"Jungkook?" Namjoon met him in the parking lot, breathing hard. "He's with her, Hyung!" Jungkook was running to his car, and Namjoon was able to sit in the passenger seat just before Jungkook pressed the gas furiously.
"Who's with whom?" Namjoon thanked God for his long legs and only five floors from Jungkook's office. Otherwise he had no chance to catch up.
"The boxes ..." Jungkook did his best not to hit anything. "He's with Nabi!" Jungkook turned the steering wheel sharply, avoiding the truck.

"He's with Nabi, for God's sake!" Jungkook was boiling, his eyes on the road feverishly, his mind searching for a shortcut

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"He's with Nabi, for God's sake!" Jungkook was boiling, his eyes on the road feverishly, his mind searching for a shortcut. Namjoon moaned in horror, trying to keep his balance and not fall on Jungkook.
It took him a terrifying fifteen minutes. With each passing year, he increased his speed and his fear grew.
He stopped the car and didn't even bother to pull it out, but jumped out, running to the elevator, Namjoon following in his footsteps. Pressing the button for the 15th floor, Jungkook paced nervously.
"Jungkook, try to calm down, if he manages to provoke you, Nabi could be seriously injured!" Namjoon tried to tame him. Jungkook nodded, counting the floors in his mind.
As opened the elevator, he first saw the two men lying in front of their apartment door. Not caring about them, he jumped over them and flew inside.
His eyes searched the open rooms. Nothing! He ran to the bedroom. The door was slightly ajar, and he stuck his back to the wall, listening to the noises inside. But he heard no sound.
Jungkook felt Namjoon behind him. He put his hand on the lock and looked at Namjoon. He nodded, and Jungkook snapped open, rushing inside.
His gaze fell on Nabi, she was sleeping soundly, hugging the blanket. He looked around, Nabi's phone on the ground, still on.
Namjoon patted him carefully and motioned for him to leave. Carefully, without waking Nabi, they both went downstairs, and Jungkook closed the door quietly behind him.
"They're both dead outside," Namjoon said quietly. Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm his breathing.
"Damn, we missed it!" Jungkook growled. "The important thing is that she's fine." Namjoon turned to the front door. "I'll call cleaners. You figure out how to justify moving to Nabi," Namjoon insisted.
If he woke her up now, he wouldn't be able to hide that he was angry. "Let her sleep until the cleaners are done," he said softly and Namjoon nodded.
Jungkook let him handle both bodies. He returned to the bedroom and, without waking Nabi, stood by the bed, staring at her. His eyes searched for traces of injuries, but apart from the bruises he had left, nothing in the room indicated that there was a stranger.
Until now, he hadn't taken pearls and threats very seriously. But to dare to enter the apartment while she slept could no longer be avoided.
His plans were not to wake Jungkook from before he met Nabi, but he no longer had a choice. He would protect her even with his life. He already had something to fight for.

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