20. Why are you doing this?

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"Jungkook?" he turned. "Where are you going?" Nabi narrowed her eyes, "I have a little work to do, Nabi, don't wait for me." he pulled on the collar of his leather jacket and headed for the door.
"Again?" she sighed.
They had been living with Ae Ri and Namjoon for two months now. Jungkook went out almost every night and came home at dawn, either drunk or stinking in women's perfume.
Nabi said nothing, she was afraid that if she asked, she would get an answer that would ruin her world.
For the last two months, he had paid little attention to her, touched her, avoided her, as if she didn't exist.
"Jungkook!" he turned again. "What, for God's sake, I have a job to do!" his voice was cold and even. It reminded her of Jungkook, whom she had met so long ago.
Her heart ached to admit that he probably didn't love her anymore. She refused to accept the fact that he had probably lied to her about his feelings.
Nabi sighed again. For several weeks now he had been wondering if it was best to separate, and perhaps now was the moment when he had at least some of his attention.
"Jungkook, I'm leaving tomorrow," she said softly, looking down nervously.Jungkook froze with his hand on the lock. His heart stopped at her words, his throat went dry, and he swallowed painfully."What do you mean?" he asked, looking at her. She looked up, her eyes full of tears, her face pale. She bowed her head again. "Exactly what I said, I'm leaving," she whispered, Jungkook clenching his teeth.
He stared at her. He knew that since they had moved, he had been cold and avoided her. But he just wanted to protect her from the things he had to do to find the man behind them.
He hardly stayed home after the apartment incident, and Ae Ri had told him that Nabi thought he was avoiding her. But Jungkook never found time to talk. Damn it! And he had to.
Namjoon and Ae Ri had warned him that if he didn't explain to Nabi soon, there might be consequences he wasn't prepared for. But as always, he had ignored their advice. He believed in their love and had never thought Nabi would leave him.
She always managed to read his soul, why didn't she try now? Had he moved so far away from her that she could no longer see her bunny in him?Had he changed so much?
"You don't need me anymore, Jungkook, so I'm leaving." She didn't look at him, but Jungkook felt the pain in her voice."I thought you had changed, that I saw the real Jungkook, but apparently it was just a phase you had already overcome. I prefer to live with happy memories instead of infidelity scandals!" she took a deep breath and went into the bathroom, leaving him staring after her.
She thought he was acting like that because he was cheating on her? "Jungkook, you idiot, you stink of perfume!" "Jungkook, you'll lose her if you don't tell her what you're doing!" "Jungkook, she's lonely!" "Jungkook, she loves you, but everything has its limits!" Ae Ri's words echoed in his mind.
His shit, to protect her, had backed away, thinking it was best for her. But he didn't want to lose her, he couldn't, she held him above the surface. Without her, he would be back in the trash of murder, terror and death. She was his port!
If he didn't do something, she would leave in the morning. He got out and went to Namjoon and Ae Ri's bedroom. He knocked and after "enter" opened the door and quickly entered. "I need help!" he said sharply, and the couple stared at him.
"What's happening?" Ae Ri approached him with his hands on his hips. "She wants to leave." Jungkook looked down. "Here, I told you!" Ae Ri shot him accusingly.
"You're changing down there. I told you to be careful not to stay away from her!" she rebuked him. "I told you that if you let this, you would lose her!" she shook her head in frustration.
"She thinks I'm cheating on her." he murmured, not daring to look at Ae Ri. "If I didn't know what you were doing, I would think the same of Namjoon. Because of the fucking mess you search, you come home stinking of women," she said.
"Jungkook?" he turned to Namjoon. "I know you're doing it for her, but you've been neglecting her for too long." he stood beside his wife. "She told me you haven't touched her since it all started." Ae Ri blushed slightly, Jungkook just nodded.
Ae Ri was like his older sister, and he shared everything with her, including his sex life, and he didn't feel uncomfortable hearing such accusations from her.
"What can I do, I can't lose her?" he whispered, looking her straight in the eye. Ae Rea clenched her teeth angrily, her eyes burning.
"Love her!" she hissed. "But I love her more than anything!" Jungkook was confused. "For God's sake, you're an idiot! Namjoon explained to him!" she shouted.Namjoon wrapped his arms around his wife's shoulders before she ran into Jungkook. "Calm down, darling, we don't want him to come back to her beaten, do we?" he grinned.
"Beaten up ?!" Ae Ri glowed. "That's it! Thanks Tiger!" she abruptly freed herself from his hand, ran to her dresser, and buried herself in one of the drawers.Less than a minute later, she returned to the two of them and handed Jungkook a key. "Oh, I remember that!" Namjoon made an arrogant face.
"What is this, what should I do with it?" Jungkook was confused. "You'll make things right!" Ae Ri grinned. "You will tell her everything, you will trust her and you will get her back!" she nodded.
"What, but ..." Namjoon interrupted, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No" but" it's time. If you want her to be your wife, you have to be completely open. With all the good and bad." he nodded and smiled at his friend's displeased look.
"We'll be fine in a few days without the bad Jeon Jungkook here," he grinned. "And you have to deal with your girl. The villa is the perfect place," he finished, looking understandingly at Ae Ri."No one knows about the villa except me and Namjoon, so you'll be safe there," Ae Ri nodded.
"Ah," Ae Ri chirped dreamily. "We have to get back there soon," she sighed and leaned against Namjoon.
He laughed and hugged her gently. "I'll send you the location, it's time to get your girlfriend back to Heaven." Namjoon winked at Jungkook and kissed his wife gently on the temple.
"I don't know, hyung ..." Jungkook began uncertainly. "Either do it or live without her!" Ae Ri shook again. Jungkook swallowed dryly, he couldn't do without her. He looked at Namjoon and Ae Ri and nodded.

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