Part 6

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~ My favorite TikTok song at the moment.~


24K: *Gets rock hard thinking about having sex with Chase and Noen, strips himself (naked).* CHASE, NOEN COME HERE! I'M IN OUR ROOM!

Chase and Noen: *Walks into their bedroom, gasps at the sexy scene in front of them, instantly rock hard.* GODDAMN!

24K: *Strips both Chase and Noen (naked).* Whoever thinks Chase is hot can get on their knees and blow me.

Noen: *Gets on his knees, looks up at 24K for consent.*

24K: *Nods his head.* Be a good little cumslut and blow daddy.

Noen and Chase: *Take turns blowing 24K.* 

24K: *Blows Chase and Noen, doesn't let them cum.* 

Chase: *Gets fucked by 24K first and cums.*

Noen: *Gets fucked by 24K and Chase and cums twice.*

24K: *Cums all over Noen and Chase, cleans the three of them up and gets dressed again, helps Chase and Noen get dressed again.* That was AMAZING!

Chase and Noen: FUCK YEAH IT WAS!!! *Still panting* We should do this more often!

24K: *Sits up.* Oh shit, we got to go get the kids from school for their dentist appointment!

                                                              At  Hawaii Preparatory Academy (K-12)...

24K: I need to check out Corrupptted Eu-Banks, Hexxicah Hudson, Chanellanger Von Jones, and Golden Von Jones Jr. *Signs out all of them on their "check out" forms.*

Ms. Teagan: *Calls all four of them to the office.* Okay they are on their way.

All four kids: *Gets to the office.* Bye bye Ms. Teagan, see you tomorrow! *Walks to the car with 24K.*

Chase: *Buckles all four of them into their car seats.* Noen, can you get me the twins' medicine from the diaper bag?

Noen: *Gets their meds and gives them to Chase.* I'll do Cor's medicine, since, she prefers me to it. *Injects Cor's medicine into her GJ tube and flushes her tube, Clips her clamp and tube covers back together.* Okay, all done! You did a great job baby girl, I'll add a sticker to your chart when we get home!

Chase:*Injects Hexx's medicine into his GJ tube and flushes his tube, Clips his clamp and tube covers back together.*  Okay, all done! You did a great job bubs, I'll add a sticker to your chart when we get home!

24K: *Gets all of their backpacks and puts them and puts in the trunk.* After their appointment, we need to go grocery shopping. I think we should let them cash out their sticker charts.

Chase: *Gets up in the front and buckles up.* Alright babies, we are going to let you cash out your sticker charts for $20.

Noen: *Gets in the backseat and buckles up, gives each kid a 20-dollar bill.* Put it in your wallet and put your wallet away.

24K: *Gets in the driver's seat and puts his seatbelt on, drives off.* 

                                                                                   After their appointment...    

24K: *Gets 3 carts, (one for kids and the huge diaper bag.)*

Chase: *Puts Chanel and Cor in the front of the cart and Gold and Hexx in the back.*  Hexx and Cor, stay in the cart unless you need to walk for a little while, all your cords might get tangled up if you walk around for a long time.

Beastly Behavior// Choen+24KGOLDNOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora