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**This is my new wallpaper, I LOVE it.**

1. What is your real name?

Well, for privacy reasons, I will not disclose my real name but, My (nick)name is Kayla Nicolle Christian.

2. How old are you and when is your birthday? 

I'm 13 years old and my birthday is December 14, (Almost 14)

3. Do you have any siblings?

Yes I do, I have a twin sister, an older brother, and a older sister.

4. Do you have a partner and what gender are you attacted to?

I'm not dating anyone at the moment but, I am talking to someone, and I'm straight.

5. Who is your favoritve youtuber?

I have ALOT but, my most favoritve is Mr. Beast.

6. What are your hobbies?

Baking, Cooking, Writing, Making ALL types of art, Doing makeup, Doing hair, Playing video games, Fashion designing, Shopping, Making Youtube videos, Editing.

7. Who is you favoritve TikToker?

EVERYONE in Sway LA AND Hype House Payton Moormeir, Vinnie Hacker, James Charles. Plus a SHIT LOAD MORE.

(GO FOLLOW MY TIKTOK @SupremeSavage Kayla)

8. Do you have a celebrity crush?

If you count YouTubers as celebrities than yes, if not than no. My "celebrity" crush is Faze H1ghSky1.

9. If you could have 3 wishes what would they be?

1. To have a infinite amount of money.

2. To meet EVERYONE in Sway LA AND Hype House Payton Moormeir, Vinnie Hacker, James Charles, and EVERYONE in FreeTime.

3. To have my own Fashion/ Baking business.

10.  Do you have any pets, if so what are they and what are their names?

I have 3 dogs (Roxy, Buster, and Apollo) and 1 cat (Garfield)

11. Do you plan on going to university and what degree do you want?

Yes, I do and I plan on getting my bachelor's degree, Fashion, Graphic design, and Cooking/ Baking.

12. What is your ideal first job and what age?

My ideal first job would be babysitting or fast food chain and 16.

13. Why are you straight but, not homophobic?

Well, because, a lot of people in my family are LGBTQ+ and I LOVE my family with ALL my heart and having a "gay" sister and this made me realize everyone is  different and I accepted her and all the rest with kindness. Because, a person ISNT based on their sexual prefences their are who their are and you cant change that.

( Next questions is for you guys to answer)

14. Do you guys have TikTok and if you do what is it, I will try to follow you guys as a thanks for ALL the support and follow me back too.

15. Do you guys like Mr.Beast and/or PewDiePie?

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