Chapter 1

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**The puppy in the picture is my  puppy, Apollo 11**

3rd POV
Chase was walking around the mall with The Hype House and Noen was walking right beside him holding hands. Charli was being REALLY annoying so, they decided to go look at the jewelry because, Chase needed a new gold chain anyway and cross earrings for N.E.

Chase: Babe, I think you should get the sliver pair.
Noen: Yea, Daddy! * winks and gives him lust filled eyes*
Chase: *Whispers in his ear* You're gonna get "it" when we get home!
Noen: *Whispers back* Awww... Daddy right t...there... I wan...t it a...all in m...e!!
Chase:*Smacks Noen's a$$* Stop it, I'll do it again!
Bryce: What you two lovebirds doing?
~Sway came with them.~
Noen: Nothing but, trying to find cross earrings and a new chain.
Bryce: K, I'm just trying to find a new gun and hunting knife.
Chase: we're not going hunting until all the ATVs get here.
~Everyone got a ATV only a few of them arrived so far.~
Bryce: I know that, I just want to go ahead a get a new one because, OF SOMEONE!
Payton: Brycey Bear, I want kisses!! I wuv you!
Bryce:*kisses Payton and picks him up* I wuv you too.
Chase: See, I KNEW IT!! Noen you OWE me five bucks!
Noen: *Hands Chase 5 dollars out of his wallet* Here, now leave me alone about it!
Charli: Guys, come on everyone else is at the food court.
Chase: We need to checkout real quick then, we'll be there.

                                                            At the food court...

Dixie: After this, we're heading to the ATV store to pick up four more ATVs.
Charli: That means now, we have all the ATVs and dirt bikes now.
~Everyone from Hype and Sway got one and they have a 30 car  garage for them all.~
Payton: * Playing on his phone, listening to music* WHAT, DID YOU SAY?!
~Everyone has a Macbook, Ipad pro, Apple watch, Airpods, and a Iphone, camera equipment, a car each plus the bus (everyone has their liense.~
Payton: Jeez, calm down and yes,  I  heard you just fine the first time!
Ondreaz: * Running into the food court* Tony is in trouble and needs help!
Ondreaz: He lost it and got into a fight with Alex and he got a broken nose!
Bryce: Is he okay, does he need to go to the hospital?
Ondreaz : No but, Alex is helping him get bandaged up.
Bryce: Good, they made up.

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