Chapter 5- Exile in Gayville

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The sun had set by the time Leo returned to the above ground New York City, and the adrenaline finally sunk in. He had just met, and unintentionally fought Miyamoto Usagi. It had been surprising to see who exactly the yōkai was, but at the same time it was thrilling. If another teen could be a talented and hardworking samurai with mystic powers, then so could he.

Sure Leo once had his portal making swords, but those were never really a part of him. This new power was beyond that. It came from within him. And with Usagi's help, he had a chance to control it.

Tomorrow, at the same time, he would see him again, and this time, would actually win the next spar. He would make sure of that.

He adjusted the blue strap over his plastron and steadily removed the manhole cover. If he was lucky, he would be able to sneak inside just in time for the third Lou Jitsu movie to start. He landed with a splash in the sewers and started to jog back to the lair.

The movie was in fact still playing, although Leo wasn't sure which one it was. He tiptoed over one of Raph's teddy bears and maneuvered his way onto the couch, surprised to see Mikey, Donnie and April cuddling in a pile, fast asleep.

Bunch of wimps. It isn't even that late!

The second he thought this and whipped out his phone, the screen suddenly lit up to reveal that it was way past 1am. His stomach dropped.

"Uh oh."


Leo nearly retracted his head fully into his shell at the sound of his older brother's voice. He turned around like a frightened deer and waved sheepishly.

"Hey Raph! How's it going? I'm doing well thank you for asking-"

Raph glared at him.

He shrank back. "Look, I can explain..."

"I'd love to see you try to do that."

Not sensing Raphael's statement as rhetorical, he cleared his throat. "During the movie, I fell asleep, and was um...sleep walking?"

"Leo..." Raph didn't seem angry with him.. He looked hurt and confused. "Why did you sneak out?"

"I didn't sneak out, I told you I was totally sleepwalking!"

"And now you're lying to me, great," Raph said gruffly. "Leo, this was supposed to be a time to hang out as a family."

Leo glanced at the others, who were still sleeping. "They didn't notice I was gone?"

"They assumed you would be back sooner," he replied. "So did I. Why did you sneak out?"

He didn't answer the obvious question. "I didn't think it was a big deal that I was gone, we've seen these movies a million times," Leo folded his arms.

"That's not the point. It's one thing to leave, but I was really hoping you would at least tell us before bailing randomly-" Raph stopped himself. "Everything's okay, right?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Are you sure? You seem a little anxious and you were avoiding the question when I asked why you left-"

"I said I'm fine! Jeez," Leo said, a bit snappy. "I would tell you if something was wrong, Raph."

He sighed. "Sorry, I guess I'm being overbearing? It's an older bro thing. You know when Dad wasn't around, I had to look after you rascals," He gave Leo a noogie- who loudly protested. "And usually you tell us before you wander off." This time he was a lot less playful.

"I get it."

"Especially after the situation last month-"


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