4. The Shot

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"You can't," I look into his eyes, placing a hand on his chest. I can feel his fastly, beating heart under my palm. His skin is so hot - it's burning.

"Are you telling me you don't want me to fuck you, bellissima?" Enzo tilts his head to the side - he is provoking me. He knows that I want him. And heck, it's so hard to resist him. I'm going to regret every second of this moment.

"Yeah. I don't fuck my clients." I whisper. That is a big fat lie. But I don't have another option. Enzo chuckles, "You sure have thousands of rules, don't you?" He comes closer and kisses my lips once again. This time, his lips feel soft against mine. He stops and looks at me, "Grab your stuff - my chauffeur will drive you home. You'll receive your payment tomorrow, transferred to your bank account." Enzo says before getting off me. As soon as he gets up, his warmth slips away with him.

"How do you know my bank account?" I ask.

"I don't, so please write it down before you leave." He buttons up his shirt and then rolls up the sleeves.

"How do you know where I live?" I question again.

"I've been watching you for a few days, darling."

I gulp at his answer as chills run down my spine. He's been watching me. The Mafia Don has been watching me.

"Why?" I ask again, stuttering this time. Enzo sighs. As I think he won't answer, he abruptly turns around and grabs my throat. My eyes widen.

He isn't choking me, but his fingers are firm against my skin, "You ask too many questions, tesoro. Now go home like a good girl." With that, he lets go of my neck and leaves the room.

What the actual hell was that? I guess all mafia men are aggressive no matter how much their complexion resembles an angel.

I waste no minute in getting dressed and gathering my stuff. I need to get out of here.

As I exit the room, I realize that I have no idea how to get out of here. I sigh. There is no living person near me right now - no guards, no maids. How am I supposed to leave?

I bite my lip and take a deep breath. I'll find a way - I'm pretty sure of that. However, the problem is, I don't know if I should go right or left - Both sides look the same. I go to the left. I have no freaking idea why.

"How big is this stupid mansion? How the hell doesn't he get lost in here?" I mumble as I reach the end of the hallway. I look at the stairs in front of me, only to realize that I took the wrong way, "Darnit."

I guess I'll have to go back. I huff loudly, about to turn around - that is when I hear a faint sound coming from downstairs. I furrow my eyebrows, taking a few steps to look over the railing.

The staircase is really long, almost neverending. Darkness crawls up slowly from the bottom until the middle of the staircase - I can't see the end. I don't know what awaits me there, and I don't want to find out. As I turn around, I hear that strange sound again. It's like a faint painful moan.

I know I should mind my business and get out of here, but I can't help but feel curious. I take a deep breath, grabbing the railing and peeking over one last time before slowly walking down the stairs to the abyss.

I take another step down - my heartbeat increases.

As the darkness starts to consume my steps and the cries get louder, I turn my phone's flashlight on. I look around - I've almost reached the bottom. Turn back, Mila.

I shouldn't be here - I should leave. A thin layer of cold sweat covers my body as I reach the last stair, only to find a closed door in front of me.

I touch the cold metal door. There is something or someone behind this door. I hear the cries behind it.

"Hello?" I knock on the door with a shaky voice. However, I get no answer. But the cries are still audible.

I gulp down the lump in my throat and knock on the door again, harder this time, "Anyone there?" My knocks and voice echo.

I need to open this door. I look at the door handle.

I don't need to do this - I can turn around and go home. None of this is my concern.

I turn the doorknob.

A sudden disgusting smell engulfs me. It smells like rotten, like iron. Like a slaughterhouse. Like blood.

It's blood.

Beside me is another door. I try to open it, but it is locked, "Shit," I mumble and decide to walk ahead.

My legs tremble as I take steps forward. The hallway is dark, but I can see somewhat light at the end of it. The floor under my heels is wet and sticky. I glance down only to discover a trail of bloody shoeprints in front of me. A shiver runs down my body. Whose blood is that? What happened here?

This is supposed to be my cue to turn back and leave, but I don't. I continue walking down the hallway, following the blood trail.

I try to swallow, but my mouth is dry.

The further I walk, the more doors I notice. What is this place?

I follow the blood trail until it disappears behind one of the doors. My hands shake as I grab the door handle.

Don't, Mila.

I gulp and quickly turn the doorknob - To my shock, the door is unlocked. I hesitate a moment before entering. I'm scared of what I will find behind this door. I'm afraid of what Enzo Vittori is capable of doing.

I enter the room. I shouldn't have.

My eyes are wide, I should shut them, but I can't.

The scream is stuck in my throat, unable to come out. I slap a hand over my mouth.

In front of me lays Carlos Basquéz, the leader of the Mexican Mafia - Enzo's enemy. But that is not all. Carlos' eyes are gouged out, he's missing two fingers of his right hand, and there is a neat slit around his throat, enunciating the cause of his death.

The rumors were true - Enzo kidnapped him, and now, he murdered him. "Oh, my God," I whisper in fear. I can't bear this anymore. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. I ended up in Enzo Vittori's slaughter basement.

I take steps back, getting out of the room and back into the hallway. However, instead of feeling any relief, I feel sick.

My heart drops in the pit of my stomach. I feel lightheaded as I feel him behind me.

"What are you doing here, bellissima?" I hear Enzo whisper in my ear. The hairs on my neck stand, and I get goosebumps all over my body. My eyes get watery. His gun is pressed against my head from behind. This can't be happening.

"Didn't I tell you to be a good girl and go home?" His voice is deep and rough now. It's full of anger. He is going to kill me for seeing Carlos' dead body.

"Tell me, didn't I?" He raises his voice as he presses his gun harder to my head. I nod my head in response.

I sob as tears fall down my cheeks. My sight gets blurry.

I shouldn't have come here.

They say curiosity killed the cat. I'm going to die.

Enzo fires a shot, and everything in front of my eyes turns black.

Pursuing You - A Mafia Romance | 18+Where stories live. Discover now